VAP News > News archive > 7th May 2019: 2011 VAP Spring News

After a long harsh winter, milder winds and bluer skies are finally gracing the shores of our little island. As the first buds begin to show, VAP’s online database is also growing with wonderful opportunities and stimulating projects for 2011. Soon there will be almost 2000 projects all over the world with new and long established partner organisations. So stop looking at facebook and start browsing our database.

This year, VAP has decided to combine its Co-ordinator Training and North South Training on 10-12 June at the beautiful location of the Clow Beck Eco Centre in North Yorkshire. Although at the same time and in the same place, the trainings will be conducted seperately during working hours. The Co-ordinator Training concentrates on developing skills and the confidence of participants, with the opportunity to lead a workcamp during the coming summer. The North South Training provides a non formal education in volunteering outside of Europe, helping you adapt more easily to places where life may be a little different. Our expanding VAP training team, made up of previous volunteers, has years of experience and professional expertise, making this a fun and highly stimulating weekend. The event is also free, with accommodation provided and the food cooked between us, in the spirit of true volunteering, leaving participants to just pay for travel expenses. After the great demand and success of last year’s course, we recommend you book a limited place early!

VAP is also pleased to annouce that its UK hosting programme has expanded to include two new partners this summer. Groups of international volunteers will take part in workcamps at the Taraloka Centre in Cheshire and the Buddhafield Festival in Devon. As developing our volunteering programme in the UK is a core aim for VAP, we hope these new contacts will develop into long lasting partnerships.

2011 is also the United Nations ’International year of Volunteers +10’, so what better a time to get yourself involved and volunteer on a project yourself! VAP is a very springy charity who specialise in grass roots volunteering which won’t break your bank account. We have again voted to sustain our competitive fee of £150-£190 to cover administration and organisational costs. This leaves you with only travel expenses, and in some of the more remote locations, an affordable participation fee to be paid to the hosting organisation for their admin costs as well as to provide allowance for accommodation, food, tools etc. So get on it!

Did you know your government has made 8 promises to end world poverty? If you are not aware, don’t worry – you’re not alone! In the summer of 2010, VAP successfully hosted two European Voluntary Service volunteers in pricey old London, through funding from EU Youth in Action programme via the British Council. The resulting toolkit, which aims to raise awareness on the United Nations’ Millenieum Development Goals, far exceeded our expectations. We are now pleased to now offer this toolkit for free online here

For those interested, we are also a registered sending organisation for European Voluntary Service projects. These offer 6-12 months placements in Europe completely free, including food, accommodation and even a bit of pocket money! You must be aged between 18-30 to take part and the placement process can take at least 3 months.

The VAP squirrel, Nigel Watt, our treasurer and long standing human rights activist, has been very busy hoarding information this winter. A new publication called ’The Power of Action’ has been published by our global association the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service. It details the history of human rights, CCIVS and the UN. For more details contact

We are also pleased to anounce that VAP is now an elected member of the Executive Committee of CCIVS and the VAP badger, Nuno Doria, our Programme Manager, was appointed to the new role of General Secretary.

Mellow regards from the VAP team

member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« In total I spent just under 3 weeks in Iceland. I had the best time of my life ever. And I feel my life has benefited from the change it has brought about within me and the valuable lessons I learnt. I have more awareness of life, a larger sense of adventure and heightened curiosity about the world. »

Helen C. from Kingston upon Hull

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