VAP News > 17th May 2022: Workcamp at Doune the Rabbit Hole Music Festival in Scotland

VAP is organising in cooperation with IVS a workcamp this summer at the Doune the Rabbit Hole Music Festival in Scotland. Time to apply!

Summer is coming! It’s festival time! Fancy something different this year? What about volunteering in an independent music festival in Scotland? Together with our partner organisation International Voluntary Service, we are coordinating a workcamp in Scotland for Doune the Rabbit Hole You will help set the festival up and also help to take it down but during the event itself you will just enjoy the music. Check the details in our database.

member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« In total I spent just under 3 weeks in Iceland. I had the best time of my life ever. And I feel my life has benefited from the change it has brought about within me and the valuable lessons I learnt. I have more awareness of life, a larger sense of adventure and heightened curiosity about the world. »

Helen C. from Kingston upon Hull

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