CYA Cambodia

Cambodia Youth Action is the new partner organisation of VAP in Cambodia.


Cambodia Youth Action (CYA) was created in January 2010 by a group of volunteers from difference knowledge and background with help from our sisters and brothers organizations, IIWC, Dalaa. CYA is created for helping young people to learn and understand on self leading and management and providing opportunity for young people to gain experience and knowledge of the world.
Since established, CYA has been organized two international workcamps and host one long term volunteer. The first and the second international workcamp took place in Chambak eco-tourism on February 2010 and August 2010. In the first international workcamp there were 3 international volunteers and 3 local and the second international workcamp, there were 2 international volunteers, Indonesia and German, and 4 local. From September to November 2010, CYA hosted one international volunteer from France for the first time.


The Cambodian youth force

Cambodia is a developing country of ASEAN region, populated by 14 million people. Cambodia has just come out of decades of war. That time of trouble made the population very young. The youth, people under the age of 30, represents 70% of the population. According to the World Bank report on “Development and Next Generation, released in 2007, “There is no better time than now for investing on young people in developing countries”. This report shows that young people is the most potential population that can make the world a better place. One Cambodian proverb said that “Youth is the main pillar of the Country” Cambodia should make the most of the strength of the youth and increase a lot its development. Moreover, because most of the educated people were killed during the war, young people are the almost the only educated people.
The future of Cambodia depends on how we are developing the youth.
The youth weakness

The university gives theoretical knowledge to the student. But working in a company needs a lot of different skills that people cannot learn in the university. According to our survey on young generation need conducted with high school and university students between ages 18 - 25, we found that among hundred students, seventy of them have problems with communication, lack of experience in doing work, lack vocational skills to access to the job market, and some of them need to learn more about self management and leading in order to control and lead themselves effectively. Young people need to acquire all these skills in other places than school.

CYA aims to provide young people opportunity to self-leading, self-management, international understanding through practical action such as participating and organizing international workcamp, volunteering with communities and exchanging with people over the globe. All the skills learnt with CYA will help them to be an efficient and confident actor in the development of his company or of his own development.
By working in an international workcamp the young people will achieve:
Opened mind about inter-cultural and intra-cultural differences
Communication skills. How to behave and communicate with people from other countries
English fluency improvement
Team working skills. How to take the more efficiency of a team. How to manage a team.
Sociability improvement

By volunteering with communities:
Opened mind about intra-cultural differences between countryside and city way of thinking
Communication skills with all kind of people, young, old, man/woman.
Understanding of the need of Cambodian communities and what we can develop in Cambodia, what are the priorities

By volunteering abroad:
Opened mind about cultural differences
Communication skills. How to behave and communicate with people from other countries
English fluency improvement
Knowledge of other country. What is good to take and what is not.
Improvement of his personality. What he want to do. What is his objective in life.
The development of individual, improve skills, personality, knowledge about the world is essential for Cambodia. It will develop Cambodia, its economy and increase the influence and interest of Cambodia in the world.

CYA’s Values

CYA and his member are directed by three core values. They provide common attitude and behavior.
I. Empowerment: all staffs, members, volunteers, and students in CYA are empowered to complete their tasks by themselves. They are freely to speak, think and act according to CYA policy without order.

II. Encouragement: all staffs, members, volunteers and students who working with CYA are encouraged to give CYA’s feedback, speak out their concern and issues, contribute with initiative idea and do action for positive change.

III. Cooperation: CYA is willing to cooperate with all NGOs, institutions, and other factors that share the same aims to develop Cambodian young people and society.

In 2025 VAP has:
member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »

Helen B. from Wigan

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