BWCA Bangladesh

BWCA-Bangladesh Work Camps Association is the VAP partner organisation in Bangladesh.

BWCA is a voluntary youth organization working in various fields that includes helping communities, NGOs and others to help them learning how to cope with natural hazards by conducting local, national and international workcamps.
There is a scheme stating "learning while working and living together", which is aimed towards the young generation around the world. The fields of the projects include social welfare, rural development, community and organizational development, health care, blood donation, eye camp, environmental conservation, helping in administration, mobilizing resources and participating many other activities of similar nature all over Bangladesh.

BWCA conducts short term workcamps with duration of 10-15 days each year during October-March. BWCA has also been conducting Round The Year Program (RTYP) in association and collaboration with the local partner organizations in rural and urban area with a minimum consignment of three months. Both types of workcamps are open to every volunteers on the principle of trusteeship, which means every one to participate in its activities according to their knowledge and skills. This way, every program is almost self-reliant and self-supporting. This has enabled us to work on independent philosophy, plan of action within the laws of the country.

In 2025 VAP has:
member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »

Helen B. from Wigan

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