The Children's Village San Juan, is a government institution formed by a group of houses or homes that have the structure and function of a real family. Here is housed, protected and comprehensive care for 48 children and adolescents of different ages and various physical and mental conditions is provided. They are admitted by order of the judiciary through the Family Courts.
The San Juan, Children's Village has Integral Development Programs containing educational and training components that make possible the comprehensive and harmonious development of children and adolescents, facilitating the development of their physical, emotional, cognitive, interpersonal, artistic and spiritual capacities complementary basic education received in schools.
The Children's Village also offers Alternative Programs for Teenage exceptionally remain in the institution until his majority or until the completion of high school. These programs are geared to technical and vocational training of adolescents, allowing them to prepare for adulthood and can cope with life independently and effectively. Programs currently have Bakery/Confectionery, Sewing/Embroidery, Bio-farming/Breeding and Juvenile birds workshops. Coming soon will be implementing Breeding guinea pigs and Fish farming.
This project aims to contribute to the integral development of children and teenagers, through a process of non-formal education, Through it, children develop skills, nurture self-esteem, discovering their artistic, cultural, sports, literary skills, that allow them to improve their human condition through awareness of their behaviour.
Academic activities, such as the support in certain school subjects. Implementing and developing various types of workshops that can develop the children's initiative and creativity. Recreational activities, such as sports, music, dance and handcrafts.
Schedule - Monday to Friday from 8:
30 to 13.30 and 15:00 to 17:30.
The city of Pucallpa is located 850 km from the city of Lima; in the department of Ucayali in eastern central Peru on the banks of the Ucayali River. It is situated in the Amazon jungle at 154m above sea level. The tropical climate of Pucallpa is warm all year. The average temperature during the year is 26°C, with an average of 25ºC in July and an average of 26.5°C in the months of September to January. Average maximum temperature is 33°C and the minimum temperature is 21.5°C average.
- Empathy with the environment where you are. - Ability to work in teams. - Easy to interact with children and teenagers. - Experiences in artistic and cultural activities (dances, music, theatre, etc.). - Spanish in Intermediate Level.
The volunteers will conduct various activities, according to their skills, experiences and interests, under the frame of the programme activities of the institution. Those can be for example, academic activities, such as the strengthening of some educational subjects; implementing and developing various workshops with the childrens that will raise their spirit of initiative and creativity; supporting in the workshops of painting and sports activities; recreational activities such as music, dance, handcrafts. The volunteers are going to work every day from Monday to Friday with a total of 48 children and adolescents except on weekends when they will have free time.
The volunteer(s) will live in the house of a family in Pucallpa city with basic services provided.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »