In May, in the Andes and mountains of Bolivia, begin preparations for the crops. In Cochabamba and elsewhere in May we celebrate the Feast of the fertility and fecundity of the Pachamama (Mother Earth) performing various rituals of gratitude, respect and reciprocity. In this context the Red Tinku also will prepare the soil and will celebrate before her the different agroecological projects involving local people and international volunteers.
Volunteers will work the farmland and orchards of the Red Tinku. In Agroecológica we prepare and celebrate for the fertility of the earth (Pachamama) performing various community services in the Eco-Social Center "La Orgánica", "Sara Yaku" inVinto and in the rural community of Potrero. (Plowing, fertilizing the soil, etc..). Volunteers may also participate in the rituals and festivities for the fertility of the Pachamama.
The project is situated in the central and low valley in the Cochabamba Region.
Volunteers will stay in the Eco-social Center “La Orgánica” located in Villa Venezuela, southern region of the city of Cochabamba.
In the month of June in the Millenarian Andean Culture it is celebrated the festival of the Sun or Inti Raymi, also known as the Winter Solstice, New Year Andino. A very important month in the peasant agricultural cycle.
It is in this context that the Red Tinku is organizing in the Quechua rural community of Potrero a Work Camp for cultural, social and farm work, with children and adults. In the rural community of Potrero, the Tinku Network has borrowed a patch of land where it is building a small community based Agro-ecological and Eco-tourism center called "Potrero Wasi".
•Volunteers will prepare the land for planting vegetables and beans in the garden of "Potrero Wasi". •Building of a dry toilet. •Help building the first small circular Inca hut with materials found on site (stone, adobe and recycled bottles) •Tree planting of native species. •Tutoring and drawing for children from the School of Potrero. •Volunteers may also participate in the preparation and celebration of the Winter Solstice Ritual. •Visits to ecotourism sites and coexistence with nature.
The project is located at the skirt of the mountain Machu Tunari, in Cochabamba valley, a 45 minutes bus ride from the city of Cochabamba.
On the weekends volunteers will stay in the Rural School of the Community of Potrero. Monday through Friday they will stay in the Ecological Centre "SARA YAKU", Vinto Town, Cochabamba.
The Ecology Center "Sara Yaku" is a project of the newly built Red Tinku located in a semi-rural area. It is still work in progress and it is being adaptated to take forward the ecological center that has an organic garden.
With this project we want to implement a dry toilet and expand the garden center "Sara Yaku".
•Preparation and grow-in the organic garden. •Building of an ecological dry toilet. •Tree planting.
:It is located in the municipality of Vinto at 15 km. from the city of Cochabamba. It is a semi-rural area.
Volunteers will be staying in the same ecological center "Sara Yaku" Vinto, which has places to stay and camping areas.
This is a new project of the Red Tinku opened in January 2013 that functions as a social and cultural eco center-in the Venezuela neighbourghood, Southern Cochabamba, on the outskirts of the city. It has a public library and a shelter for volunteers. The project aims at sensitizing the local population on issues of waste management and environment issues promoting family gardens among neighbors.
•Raising awareness through campaigns to recycle and reuse waste. •Constructing organic compost. •Build a room with organic material. •Environment education for children
The project is located on the outskirts of the city of Cochabamba. In Villa Venezuela, popular area of Cochabamba 20 minutes from the city.
Volunteers will be staying in the same eco-social center "La Orgánica" that has a small shelter for volunteers.
In August, the city of Cochabamba and Quillacollo have extensive sociocultural activities. For this reason the Red Tinku organizes cultural events in alternative locations and spaces, such as plazas, cultural centers and streets. In 2013 we will organize the encounter of Art and Culture "Pachamama" to promote popular culture in alternative spaces and exploring multiculturalism.
•Assist in the organization of the conference and the Encounter of Art and Culture. •Promotion and dissemination of cultural events. •Promotion of cultural tourism and alternative spaces of Cochabamba. •Participation in the traditional celebration of Urkupiña. •Logistical support to cultural events.
:City of Cochabamba and municipality of Quillacollo.
Volunteers will stay at the Cultural Center "La Tinkuna", Cochabamba city, that has a shelter.
The city of Cochabamba has its central square "September 14th" that since the Water War of 2000 is characterized in that it develop various social and cultural activities. It is in this context that the Red Tinku active in the "Plaza del Agua" exposing information panels, educational, holding exhibitions, fairs and film festivals, poetry, books, educational workshops, film forum, etc. This year in August, the Plaza "September 14th" receive hundreds of visitors Urkupiña parties and is good opportunity to demonstrate the potential of participatory culture and people in the square.
Volunteers will be working in logistics support to develop cultural events in the square. Also with the diffusion of activities, promotion of events and visiting media. Participate in the organization of cultural activities that will develop day full central square "September 14"
The project is located in the center of the city of Cochabamba and is the main square of Cochabamba.
Volunteers will stay at the Social Center "The Tinkuna", located west of the city of Cochabamba and 15 minutes from the central square "September 14th".
In the month of December in the ancient Andean culture celebrates the summer solstice. A very important month in the peasant agricultural cycle begins because rainy season in the Andes and Amazon.
It is in this context that the Red Tinku organized in the rural community of Quechua Incallajta a Work Camp for cultural and social work in the city and countryside.
- Volunteers will prepare awareness campaigns. - Help build a compost and clean the heritage site. - Conduct workshops on waste recycling at Incallajta School.
Volunteers may also participate in the preparation and celebration of the Summer Solstice Ritual.
Visit eco-archaeological tourist site Incallajta and coexistence with nature.
The project is located in Incallajta, Pocona Township, south of the department of Cochabamba. Incallajta is located 150 km from the city of Cochabamba.
Volunteers will be hosted at the School of Rural Community Incallajta, Cochabamba.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »