Évora Green’s main focus is to directly provide an outstanding experience to all work camp participants through volunteer work regarding the Environmental protection. Our main objectives are to rehabilitate certain areas, desecrated parks and also outdoor sporting infrastructures, promoting healthy habits regarding outdoor activities; Inform and educate youth and the general population to the impact of pollution on the environment, it´s causes and consequences and what can be done to minimize it; debating about the “Environment” theme in a multicultural perspective, regarding each ones country’s reality. We will proportionate during the course of activities, skills, competences and knowledge, regarding team and volunteer work, and non-formal Education to all the workcamp participants.
Tasks and activities:
Training (equipment and tools); group dynamics; debates; multimedia contents (movies, etc.); forums; reflections; presentations; preparation of materials to work; sensitization and diffusion; cleaning fields; eco walk; collection and separation of garbage; rehabilitate sporting infrastructures (wall painting and rehabilitate open air spots) and interact with local people.
Leisure and visits:
Traditional games playing; night walk in the city centre; intercultural moments; open air concerts; Cultural guided visits to Évora’s Historical Centre; Sky watching night.
Volunteers will be accommodated in a house outside the city centre. It has two large rooms; two toilets and two bathrooms, and a common room for leisure activities. We will provide mattresses, so volunteers only need a sleeping bag and pillow. We will also provide three meals during the day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). We kindly ask all the participants to warn us if they have any food restriction.
Évora is a city of about 50,000 people in southern Portugal, located 115 km East of Lisbon. The religious, historical and architectural importance of Évora's historic center earned it UNESCO World Heritage status in 1986.
The main activities of Associação Pombal Jovem (APJ) are swimming, (BBT) mountain bike, extreme sports (radical sports), juvenile mobility (summer camps and work camp), awareness campaigns about different issues, like the environment and health care. The main aims of APJ are promoting the citizenship and the integration of young people from the Pombal county, promoting a good environmental education, habits of good healthy life and develop and take advantage of the potential of our county in different levels.
Work and leisure:
This organization exhibits a project where the main objective is to allow young people to be involved in a volunteering program aiming at environment protection as well as contributing for volunteering work valorization. Concerning the activities during the camp, the mornings, from 9.00 until 13.00, will be reserved to cleaning activities in the inside Anços River; the afternoons and the evenings, as well as the Saturdays and Sundays, will be reserved to leisure, sports, visiting local and regional monuments, getting in contact with the local culture and customs.
The participants will camp in tents over at Quinta Sant’Ana. Will be served 5 meals, 2 in the restaurant (Lunch and dinner).
The camp will be located near Estrada Nacional nº1, between Lisboa and Porto, approximately 10 kms of Pombal (Leiria district), and it’s about 20 minutes from the sea. Due to it’s proximity to the Sicó Mountain and the Anços River, and also due to its river beach, Redinha is well known as a rural village of great natural beauty.
Green Odyssey’s main focus is to directly provide an outstanding experience to all work camp participants through volunteer work regarding the Environmental protection. Our main objectives are to rehabilitate certain areas, desecrated parks and also outdoor sporting infrastructures, promoting healthy habits regarding outdoor activities; Inform and educate youth and the general population to the impact of pollution on the environment, its causes and consequences and what can be done to minimize it; debating about the “Environment” theme in a multicultural perspective, regarding each ones country’s reality. We will proportionate during the course of activities, skills, competences and knowledge, regarding team and volunteer work, and non-formal education to all the workcamp participants.
Tasks and activities:
Training (equipment and tools); group dynamics; debates; multimedia contents (movies, etc.); forums; reflections; presentations; preparation of materials to work; sensitization and diffusion; cleaning fields; eco walk; collection and separation of garbage; rehabilitate sportive infrastructures (wall painting and rehabilitate open air spots) and interact with local people.
Leisure and visits:
Traditional games playing; night walk in the city centre; intercultural moments; open air concerts; Cultural guided visits to Évora’s Historical Centre; Sky watching at night.
Volunteers will be accommodated in a house outside the city centre. It has two large rooms; two toilets and two bathrooms, and a common room for leisure activities.We will provide mattresses, so volunteers only need a sleeping bag and pillow. We will also provide three meals during the day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). We kindly ask all the participants to warn us if they have any food restrictions.
Évora is a city of about 50,000 people in southern Portugal, located 115 km East of Lisbon. The religious, historical and architectural importance of Évora's historic center earned it UNESCO World Heritage status in 1986.
Synergia – Centro Jovem de Santo Adrião is a dynamic and proactive association, with a strong will to work and grow. We are a multidisciplinary team, with the aim to promote events and develop projects for young people Braga, maintaining a close relationship with the whole community but always open to European awareness. We try to valorize every day young people, through sport and social culture activities, challenging everyone to join us. We are involved in several projects, with the support of numerous volunteers, who bring us the best of what they do. We tried to work on several fronts, assuming primary responsibility for the integration of all young people, with special attention to those who typically have more difficulty in accessing activities. We have several projects focusing on various areas: Urban Design Arts, Web TV, Web Radio, Office Project Support, Psychological Support Office, European Projects, Academy Synergia, Synergia Space and TOCA (Associative and Cultural Office for Associations).
Work and Leisure. This camp “Help Pinking” is aimed at improving housing infrastructure and public spaces in Braga. The tasks are painting walls and construction of accesses, animation for community, decoration areas of leisure, collaboration with residents on changes to be made and debate social exclusion.
In free times, participants will visit Braga and Guimarães, they will play paintball, football and volleyball, traditional games, intercultural night, movie night, among others.
Participants will get to sleep in dormitories, boys and girls separately and they will have four meals: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.
Mundus Nature main focus is to directly provide an outstanding experience to all work camp participants through volunteer work regarding the Environmental protection. Our main objectives are to rehabilitate certain areas, desecrated parks and also outdoor sporting infrastructures, promoting healthy habits regarding outdoor activities; Inform and educate youth and the general population to the impact of pollution on the environment, its causes and consequences and what can be done to minimize it; debating about the “Environment” theme in a multicultural perspective, regarding each ones country’s reality. We will proportionate during the course of activities, skills, competences and knowledge, regarding team and volunteer work, and non-formal Education to all the workcamp participants.
Tasks and activities:
Training (equipment and tools); group dynamics; debates; multimedia contents (movies, etc.); forums; reflections; presentations; preparation of materials to work; sensitization and diffusion; cleaning fields; eco walk; collection and separation of garbage; rehabilitate sportive infrastructures (wall painting and rehabilitate open air spots) and interact with local people.
Leisure and visits:
Traditional games playing; night walk in the city centre; intercultural moments; open air concerts; Cultural guided visits to Évora’s Historical Centre; Sky watching night.
Volunteers will be accommodated in a House outside the city centre. It has two large rooms; two toilets and two bathrooms, and a common room for leisure activities. We will provide mattresses, so volunteers only need a sleeping bag and pillow. We will also provide three meals during the day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). We kindly ask all the participants to warn us if they have any food restrictions.
Évora is a city of about 50,000 people in southern Portugal, located 115 km East of Lisbon. The religious, historical and architectural importance of Évora's historic center earned it UNESCO World Heritage status in 1986.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »