Volunteers will restore two rooms of Villa Bona, a wonderful historical villa of the 18th century surrounded by a big park, situated in Carignano. The restoration work will involve: the decoration of the walls, doors and windows; removal of boxes; cleaning of the marble staircase and the wrought iron railings; restoration of the dark wooden paintings, cleaning the garden of Villa Bona. Moreover the volunteers will make some restoration activities at the Opera Pia Faccio Frichieri (an ancient building of Carignano that nowadays is an old-people s home) such as: garden cleaning, restoration of the nativity scene, cleaning and restoration of the pavement, wooden benches and doors of the church at Opera Pia. All these activities will be under the guidance of a professional conservator. The restoration of Villa Bona is being finalized to use the villa for public events by the committee and local organizations.
Accomodation & food:
In a building with beds, communal bathrooms with showers and hot water and a kitchen. Bedrooms are provided with 2 to 5 beds per room. The volunteers are responsible for the cleaning and cooking. The organisation covers the cost of the meals and also the materials for the work. Volunteers must be equipped with a sleeping bag (or sheets), pillowcase and towels.
Location & leisure:
The town of Carignano (8700 inhabitants) is situated on the left bank of the river Po approximately 20 Km from Torino and within the Regional Parco Fluviale (park of the river). Its centre is of typical piemontese style, characterized by an ancient core with medieval archways and a baroque cathedral. The towns surroundings offer sites of architectural and naturalistic interest, it is also possible to reach Torino easily, as there are frequent coaches to the city. During the free time there are many exciting things to do such as visit the open market of Carignano and take part in some local events. On the weekends it will be possible for the group to organise a visit to Turin (there is a bus to and from Turin), visiting the Egyptian museum, the cinema museum, MAO museum of oriental art, the Holy Shroud etc.
YAP project-related motivation form is required. No specific experience is required for the project.
The "Isola delle Femmine" is a natural reserve established in 1997 by the Sicilian Region and managed by LIPU (Italian league for birds protection) since 1998. This little uninhabited island is the ideal place for a specific species of birds called Gabbiano reale (Larus michahellis) allowing them to rest from migration and to grow numerically. Due to financial cutting, this area is suffering of maintenance and the support received along the year, of course is not as such as should be provided. This is the reason why InformaGiovani togerher with LIPU organize every year workcamps to support the maintanance of the natural reserve and to sensitize the local community towards the place.
Work will be run in the little uninhabited island, volunteers will help in cleaning the area, rebuilding stone paths. Work will be done mainly in the morning and in case of wind or rain the work will be run at land (at the office of LIPU). Work can be tiring and hard due to hot temperature and sicilian sun (hat and sunblock are compulsory).
Accomodation and food:
Accommodation is in a small house in the village (not on the island) where is located the LIPU office as well. All the volunteers will be accommodated in one room equipped with bunk beds and share one bathroom. Food will be cooked by volunteers.
Location & leisure:
Isola delle Femmine is an Italian town in North-Western Sicily, in province of Palermo. Isola is a cost-town close to Palermo and connected with bus.
Motivation letter is compulsory in order to show interest towards the project. Being able to swim is compulsory.
PROJECT: Agape International Ecumenical Center is a place of encounters where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape is located in one of the Waldensian Valleys, the only area in Italy where protestants constitute a significant presence in the population. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women. A resident group still lives in Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Since 60 years, Agape is a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural and political background, come to Agape for share discussion, debate and challenged themselves. Indeed Agape is a place where you can exchange experiences about different thematic with many different people, a good place for learn about yourself and the others.www.agapecentroecumenico.org , here you will see the activity programs involve during the season.
WORK: The work camp consist to support the different activities of AGAPE. For example, when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest.
Volunteers will help in the following areas:
kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, babysitting. Agape is a place where you will mix intellectual and manual practice The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the AGAPE meetings.
Accomodation & food:
ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: Usually the volunteers share the bedrooms with three or four other one . Toilets are in common. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean and there's a vegetarian alternative for those who require it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine.
Location & leisure:
ARRIVAL: We require that all volunteers contact Agape secretariat before arriving since travel to Agape can be complicated.
The main work will consist in cleaning and maintenance of the outdoor site of the castle and the park. Volunteers will be working 7-8 hours per day under the supervision of local technical leader. During the workcamp, on 26th of July there will be a traditional celebration of Madonna del Faggio so the volunteers will be also involved in setting up and taking off the stands, the tables and other structures for the feast. It will be a perfect opportunity to get to know the local community and discover the local cuisine as well Be prepared for physical work.
Accomodation & food:
The volunteers will be hosted in one of the buildings of the Manservisi Castle on the territory of the park. The accommodation has beds, 3 toilets and shower. Sleeping bag is required. The meals will be provided by the staff of the centre, the volunteers will clean the dining room and wash the dishes as a group. During the workcamp there will be several events and activities organized by local partner so the volunteers are asked to be respectful and polite with other guests of the park.
Location & leisure:
The Manservisi Castle is situated in a small village near to Castelluccio di Porretta Terme which is quite isolated: there is no public transport after 7 p.m.
YAP project-related motivation form is required. This project is perfectly suitable with nature lovers and people highly motivated for manual work. Please bring with you typical games, musical instruments from your country.
Volunteers will be involved in many different outdoor activities such as cleaning and maintenance of the path that leads from the village to the ancient ruins, signals and fences restoring, lands reclaiming, garbage removing. Volunteers will be working 7-8 hours per day under the supervision of local technical leader. Be prepared for physical work Volunteers will also have the chance to meet the local community, participating in meetings and events and helping the organisation of local events.
Accomodation & food:
Volunteers will be hosted in the mountain shelter around 2 km away from the town centre. The lodging is structured into shared rooms with common bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen. You must bring your sleeping bag and a mat. Budget for the food is provvided. The volunteers will go shopping, cook and clean as a team.
Location & leisure:
Roiate, 60 km (1 h) away from Rome, is a very small village (around 800 inhabitants, a bit more in the summertime). Although it s not far from Rome, there is no bus connection after 5 p.m. so It s NOT possible to visit Rome after work or in the free time. Visit to Rome could be arranged only during the free day You will have a perfect opportunity to get to know a very friendly local community and discover the local traditional cuisine as well Old ladies of the village would love to teach you some typical recipes Please, bring with you typical games, recipes, musical instruments from your country.
The "Isola delle Femmine" is a natural reserve established in 1997 by the Sicilian Region and managed by LIPU (Italian league for birds protection) since 1998. This little uninhabited island is the ideal place for a specific species of birds called Gabbiano reale (Larus michahellis) allowing them to rest from migration and to grow numerically. Due to financial cutting, this area is suffering of maintenance and the support received along the year, of course is not as such as should be provided. This is the reason why InformaGiovani togerher with LIPU organize every year workcamps to support the maintanance of the natural reserve and to sensitize the local community towards the place.
Work will be run in the little uninhabited island, volunteers will help in cleaning the area, rebuilding stone paths. Work will be done mainly in the morning and in case of wind or rain the work will be run at land (at the office of LIPU). Work can be tiring and hard due to hot temperature and sicilian sun (hat and sunblock are compulsory).
Accomodation and food:
Accommodation is in a small house in the village (not on the island) where is located the LIPU office as well. All the volunteers will be accommodated in one room equipped with bunk beds and share one bathroom. Food will be cooked by volunteers.
Location & leisure:
Isola delle Femmine is an Italian town in North-Western Sicily, in province of Palermo. Isola is a cost-town close to Palermo and connected with bus.
Motivation letter is compulsory in order to show interest towards the project. Being able to swim is compulsory.
International volunteers will make up a bigger team of volunteers helping SET UP and run the festival. Before the beginning of the festival the group of the international volunteers will help to construct the marquees, decorate the area, put up signage etc. During the festival the volunteers will help maintaining site infrastructure e.g. cleaning the area and waste sorting (for later recycling), helping at food stands and restaurants to prepare, sell and serve the food, clean the kitchen and other spaces, arrange the area for the performances, etc. However the volunteers may be asked to do other jobs according to the festival needs. The international volunteers will work for around 7/8 hours per day/night. The work will be done in pairs or small groups in different shifts (to be arranged together with the campleader) in the morning, afternoon and mostly late in the evening. During the free time the volunteers will have the opportunity to join concerts, performances, DJ-sets, etc. in the festival area. Please note that flexibility and adaptability are required, and there might be some physically demanding work from time to time (under the sun or rain sometimes). Be ready to work in a big team of national volunteers and hopefully become wonderful members of this great family International volunteers will have 2 free days, to be arranged with the festival organizers.
Accomodation & food:
Volunteers will be hosted in a local social centre, called Magazzino 47 , a self-managed place for youth where social, cultural, and political activities are organized. For the whole duration of the festival the social centre is closed for visitors and reserved for the accommodation of the volunteers. There are several toilets and a shower. The accommodation is not well-connected with the festival area by public transport so different pick up shifts will be arranged with the organisers to go to work and to come back to the accommodation. Sleeping bags, goodwill and open-mindedness are required.
Location & leisure:
The festival takes place in Brescia, a city in Lombardy region in the north of Italy
YAP project-related motivation form is required. Volunteers must be motivated to work hard to make the festival a success, be enthusiastic and open-minded.
PROJECT: Agape International Ecumenical Center is a place of encounters where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape is located in one of the Waldensian Valleys, the only area in Italy where protestants constitute a significant presence in the population. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women. A resident group still lives in Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Since 60 years, Agape is a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural and political background, come to Agape for share discussion, debate and challenged themselves. Indeed Agape is a place where you can exchange experiences about different thematic with many different people, a good place for learn about yourself and the others.www.agapecentroecumenico.org , here you will see the activity programs involve during the season.
WORK: The work camp consist to support the different activities of AGAPE. For example, when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest.
Volunteers will help in the following areas:
kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, babysitting. Agape is a place where you will mix intellectual and manual practice The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the AGAPE meetings.
Accomodation & food:
ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: Usually the volunteers share the bedrooms with three or four other one . Toilets are in common. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean and there's a vegetarian alternative for those who require it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine.
Location & leisure:
ARRIVAL: We require that all volunteers contact Agape secretariat before arriving since travel to Agape can be complicated.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »