Radio Tonkuhle is the local radio station for Hildesheim and the surrounding area – Radio for everyone! Everyone who wants to contribute their interests are very welcome to; this is how the diverse, colourful, 24-hour programme is created. Many of their music shows devote themselves to styles outside of the regular charts. In this project you will learn how to work in radio: how to use recording equipment, styles of questioning during interviews, studio technology and also presenting. Your group will plan and create its own radio show, which will also be presented by you. And the end of the project, your radio show will then be "On Air". The workshop will be led by a professional radio editor.For more information, visit and
Accomodation & food:
You'll be sleeping in the youth centre in the Drispenstedt district. You will prepare and cook meals in small groups.
Location & leisure:
The youth centre offers its amenities to you: table football, table tennis, internet etc. There is also a small recording studio, which can be used as a radio workshop. Hildesheim is an old town steeped in history. The cathedral and St. Michael's Church are World Heritage Sites. There is also a very big free art and culture scene with numerous theatre shows, exhibitions and parties.
A good knowledge of English is needed for the radio workshop.
HAJ: Hannover (Hannover, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
In October 1940, the Nazis deported around 6500 Jewish citizens from Baden, the present day Rheinland-Palatinate and what is now the Saarland area to an internment camp in Gurs, located in South West France at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains (not too far from Lourdes). Six of these Jewish citizens were inhabitants of the then independent community of Siersburg. Around half of those deported did not survive the first winter in the wooden barracks at this scene of horror. The Rehlingen-Siersburg community wants to establish a place of remembrance as a memory to these former Siersburg citizens and representative of all other victims of National Socialism. You will be helping to establish this place of remembrance, by preparing the necessary surfaces, handling stones from the Pyrenees and setting up stone blocks, and planting small trees and bushes. In the middle of the memorial site there will be a rose bush planted as a symbol of hope. Besides this, part of the camp will include a topical discussion on anti-Semitism and racism in daily life. The local Jewish community will also be involved in this discussion, and guided tours to the synagogue in Saarbrücken as well as visits to other local memorial sites are also possible.
Accomodation & food:
You will be staying in a sports hall. You will prepare and cook meals in small groups.
Location & leisure:
There are many diverse places to go on trips nearby, such as Saarbrücken, Trier, France or Luxembourg. Besides this, you could visit the natural caves in Niedaltdorf, the Roman museum in Homburg or the Roman villa Borg. In Rehlingen here is also a bowling alley and a mini-golf course. The region is well suited to walks and bike rides.
Interest and motivation for discussion on anti-Semitic topics are an absolute must for participants of this camp.
FRA: Frankfurt Main (Frankfurt, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
The cultural and leisure centre "Pegasus" can be found in the centre of Senftenberg and is the biggest establishment for children and young people in the entire town. The house and its outdoor facilities are used by many children, young people and other visitors on a daily basis and must therefore be taken care of and well maintained. With physical flair and creativity, parts of the indoor and outdoor areas of the "Pegasus" centre should receive a fresh new look. At the same time, many popular holiday games for children between the ages of 7 and 12 are taking place, which will be organised and co-ordinated by you. This workcamp is particularly special because after finishing work for the day, you are given the opportunity to learn German. 2 hours a day of language classes as well as following German daily life will really move your level of German along and help you to improve. Your language teachers are native speakers who also have experience teaching German as a foreign language.
Accomodation & food:
You'll be staying in the rooms of the cultural and leisure centre "Pegasus" on mattresses or camp beds. You'll prepare and cook your own meals together in groups.
Location & leisure:
You can go swimming in the Senftenberg lake or use the indoor ski slope nearby to cool down even more. In the particularly special Spreewald countryside, you could enjoy a boat trip. A trip to the city of Dresden could also be exciting.
English, German
DRS: Dresden (Dresden, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
The project will consist of two parts – a practical working part and a study part. The practical working part, which will take place at different parts of the site, will last six hours per day. In the evenings and during the weekend there will be time for the educational and cultural activities. The European Heritage Volunteers Project aims at restoring and cultivating further parts of the historic hotel park. Thereby the old concept of "Parkwald" (park forest) should be regained und brought into presence. This concept, being founded during the 1st decade of 20th century solely in Freudenstadt, means a specific and delicate kind of cure and wellness infrastructure. The "park forest" idea had come out as a unique pioneer act made by the Freudenstadt town builders of those years. In 2025, when Freudenstadt will host a half year "green exhibition" for the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the hotel park should contribute a singular and outstanding historic scenery.The works, which will be carried out during the project, include a conceptual und intelligent sweep of the green wilderness, which has captured the originally garden site. This means the clearing of small or middle aged trees and plants that are not typically for the park as well as the excavation of garden structures with century old origin currently covered by leaves. Finally, a handcrafted historic water suspension system in the hill slope, dating back to 1892, which combines as well technical as artistic construction value, will be restored.Those works and measures will surely help the city of Freudenstadt, its citizens and guests, to realize the enormous treasure of air-bath heritage and livelihood during the golden age, when this formerly rural town deep down in the woods became a world famous spa resort. The garden project can also set an impulse for a highly needed renewal, a new start for the whole old cure district of Freudenstadt.
Accomodation & food:
shared rooms with beds,warm showers, toilets,The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.
Location & leisure:
The "Waldlust" Hotel in Freudenstadt, founded in 1899, was a first choice resort of a noble society of spa guests. It stands as a historic architecture building, as a cultural heritage treasury, as a long time social meeting place in a high rank – a unique symbol of a former golden period of town development.During the 1st third of the 20th century the hotel took a breathtaking career, carried by the arrival of many world famous guests – kings, queens, princes, poets and artists. "Waldlust", the leading hotel of Freudenstadt, came to success by the entrepreneurial genius of a widespread hotel dynasty, the Luz family, who owned and managed several well known houses in Freudenstadt, Baden-Baden and Austria.Today the old palace with its impressive size and scenery and its glorious "personal" history offers us a review back to a golden era, almost unimaginable for such a small town deeply embedded in the Black Forest woods. The Freudenstadt Association for Heritage is highly ambitious to preserve the splendid architecture as a cultural heritage site of a great age. Therefore it undertakes rooftop repairing and other constructive measures, carries out conservation works as well as preventive measures against the loss of art. The association also informs about the great history of the heritage site by guided tours and by public relation efforts of all kinds. The "Waldlust" Hotel is surrounded by a wide park area, which formerly served as an old style wellness and leisure time retreat for the noble high society clientele: with broad promenades, nicely built in the steep hillside, with stone walls and stair cases as well as intimate sitting opportunities, which offers marvellous outlooks.This once very characteristic Grandhotel leisure ground had been fallen to oblivion in many years. Forms and structures had gone lost, due to the absence of any gardening and cultivation – until the "Denkmalverein" started to restore paths and interesting places of this traditional ground.
CV + photo, Motivation letter related to the project required
English, German
STR: Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
Make your own television! This is what you can try out in this international media workcamp. After and introduction to the technology involved, you'll develop your own story line and be provided with a camera for filming. In the studio you can then work more on your material. At the end of the camp the film will be presented live at an event which you will also be organising. The technology and workspace needed to carry out this project is provided by the Offene Kanal Flensburg, a public, local television channel. You will be coached by an experienced media pedagogue and will be able to learn many new things about working with television and videos. Prior knowledge is not necessary, but also welcome. As the proprietor of "DIE EXXE" youth centre, the Flensburger Youth Association is your host and will also be inviting young refugees to take part in your project. For more information, visit
Accomodation & food:
You will be staying on air mattresses in a basic, cosy youth centre. Meals will be prepared and cooked together in groups.
Location & leisure:
Flensburg is the most northern town in Germany and has many sights, shopping centres, cultural activities and of course a lot of water to offer. At the weekends, you can take a trip to the Nordsee and Ostsee beaches, to nearby islands or even to
You should be fit enough for the 2.4km (or 30 min) walk to the TV Studio and the same way back (in total 4.8km).
HAM: Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
The project be will be very intensive and will consist of two parts – a practical working part and a study part. The practical working part will last six hours per day and take place in the first half of the days. In the afternoons and evenings study and educational activities will be organised. Continuing the World Heritage Volunteers projects having taken place since 2012 at the World Heritage site Classical Weimar the project will support the revitalisation of abandoned parts of Belvedere Park. The volunteers will – based on historical plans and in intensive cooperation with the site management – uncover and restore historical paths which had been disappeared some decades ago. A part of the group will – alternating from day to day – carry out different gardening and preservation works in other parks belonging to the World Heritage site in mixed groups of international volunteers and local workers, in the same time enabling the participants to get to know the diversity of the World Heritage site Classical Weimar. In these parks are many sloping areas where it is only possible to deal with manual work. The volunteers will support the works as cutting grass, cleaning paths, etc. The study part will give the theoretical background for the project. Depending on the interests of the volunteers there will be lections and guided tours about Classical Weimar mostly organised by Classic Foundation Weimar, the main project partner. The study part will also bring the project and the World Heritage Volunteers programme in general into a wider public. It will include meetings with the press and presentations held by the participants about World Heritage sites of their home countries.In their spare time the volunteers will have the possibility to visit museums and exhibitions – for the duration of the project they will have free entrance to all museums managed by Classic Foundation Weimar. The best way to be mobile in a town like Weimar with a lot of gardens and parks is to discover it by bike. Therefore the participants will have during their stay bicycles for their disposal, which they also have to use to reach the different working places. Depending on the interests of the volunteers an excursion to another historical complex will be organised on the weekend – to Gotha Residence Castle with its park, which is one of the biggest parks in Germany and includes the eldest English garden outside Great Britain.
Accomodation & food:
shared 6- or 8- bed-room in a hostel in the city,The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.
Location & leisure:
Weimar is a beautiful small city, located in the middle of Germany in the state of Thuringia. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries this small town saw a remarkable cultural flowering. Enlightened ducal patronage attracted many leading German writers, composers and artists to the town, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller and Franz Liszt, thus making Weimar the cultural centre of Europe at that time. This development is reflected in the high quality of many of the buildings and parks in the surrounding area. "Classical Weimar" was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1998, the 20th site in Germany to be recognised as World Heritage. "Classical Weimar" comprises twelve individual buildings and ensembles, all of which portray tangible and intangible elements of Classical Weimar's cultural heritage. Weimar's City Castle, the Duchess Anna Amalia Library, Goethe's and Schiller's residences, the Town Church, the Ducal Vault with the Historic Cemetery and many others are included on the World Heritage List.
Weimar's historical parks and gardens connect the historical buildings and their surrounding grounds and are a key feature in the "Classical Weimar" collection:
the Park on the Ilm with the Roman House and Goethe's Garden House, Belvedere Park with its Castle and Orangery, Tiefurt Park and Castle and Ettersburg Park and Castle. During the 20th century Weimar became the birthplace of the Modern Movement in architecture and aesthetics. "Bauhaus" was developed by merging the Grand Ducal School of Arts and Crafts and the Weimar Academy of Fine Arts. "Bauhaus" had, and still has, a profound influence upon developments in art, architecture, design and typography. The "Bauhaus and its Sites in Weimar and Dessau" are listed as UNESCO World Heritage, too.For all this historical marks Weimar became in 1999 European Capital of Culture.
CV + photo, Motivation letter related to the project
English, German
LEJ: Leipzig Halle (Leipzig, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
To remember – to meet – to understand and to work for the future will be our guiding slogan in these two weeks. We will learn about the history of the concentration camp Dachau and other aspects of the Nationals Socialism in Germany. We will always ask: What did we learn about this? Where do we find racism, antisemitism and discrimination today? The program consists of different workshops, discussions with eye-witnesses and Holocaust survivors, guided tours through the Memorial Site, tours in Dachau and Munich, day trips. There is also time for personal conversation, sports, parties and the chance to experience the historical sites from at the present time.
Accomodation & food:
Accommodation is at the Dachau Youth Guest House in rooms for four people. The participation fee includes: full board and lodging, together with the cost incurred by the program.
Location & leisure:
Leisure time: There will be free time for fun and games, day-trips, entertainment, getting to know the people, going to cafés, etc. However, please notice that there is not enough free time for self-organized day trips during the IYM.
Dachau is very close to Munich
A letter of motivation is needed! Please bring clothes which suit the work and the weather, musical instruments, games, songbooks or whatever you want for the leisure time... Materials of the study part of the camp, a map of your country, photos and things that help you to describe your country to other participants of the workcamp.You should have a working knowledge of English and/or German to communicate without any difficulties. You should be interested in various subjects and in taking part in workshops.
Additional costs:
Additional fee of 160, - is including boarding, lodging and the program. To be payed upon arrival.
English, German
MUC: Munchen (Munich, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
If you enjoy being outside amongst nature, spending the evening around a camp-fire, discovering the forest first-hand with people from all around the world and working hands-on in the forest with real foresters, then this project at the Forestry Education Centre in Hahnhorst is exactly the one for you! In the studying part of this project, you'll learn how to orientate yourself in the forest, how to recognise edible plants, how to start a fire without equipment and how to build a place to sleep for the night using only natural materials. Besides this, you'll be working in co-operation with foresters and forest workers on conservation projects in the forest and will help to improve the quality of habitats for rare species of plants and animals. In the mornings (you'll be working up early), you'll be focusing on the work tasks. The survival workshops will take place in the afternoons.
Accomodation & food:
You'll be staying in rooms with multiple beds in the Forestry Education Centre. You'll also be involved in the house chores. Food will be provided, but you will also take it in turns to help out in the kitchen.
Location & leisure:
There are some free afternoons for enjoying the range of free time activities available (for example a bike tour, an international buffet one evening, sitting around the camp-fire, a trip to the swimming pool). At the weekend, you could also go on a day-trip to Bremen for sightseeing and shopping.
Desire to work hands-on in the forest and to get involved with outdoor activities is preferred. You should be able to ride a bike.
BRE: Bremen (Bremen, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »