Studienteil: Die Gruppe wird von einer ausgebildeten muttersprachlichen Lehrerin 3 Stunden am Vormittag Deutschunterricht erhalten. Es werden Grammatik und Kommunikation vertieft, je nach Wunsch und Bedarf der Teilnehmer. In der Freizeit sind Exkursionen durch Berlin und in die naehere Umgebung geplant. Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Teilnehmer auch in der Freizeit Deutsch miteinander kommunizieren werden, um den Unterrichtsstoff zu vertiefen.
Studying part:
The Group will have German lessons by a native speaker German teacher 3 hours in the morning. You will get the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in communication and grammar, depending on your needs and wishes. In the free time excursions to Berlin and its surrounding area are planned. You are asked to communicate only in German in your leisure time to deepen your new learned skills.
Accomodation & food:
Unterbringung: Die Teilnehmer werden in beheizbaren Bungalows auf dem Gelaende der Projekt- und Begegnungsstaette schlafen. In den Bungalows gibt es ein separates Bad mit Dusche und WC. Es werden maximal 6 maennliche oder weibliche Teilnehmer in einem Bungalow wohnen. Bettwaesche bekommst du im Objekt, du brauchst keinen Schlafsack mitzubringen.
You will live in heated bungalows with up to 6 girls or boys on the ground of the place where you will have the language course. In the bungalows you will find your own bathroom with a shower and WC. You will get bed linen, there is no need to bring a sleeping bag with you.
Location & leisure:
Berlin, 12527, krimnitzer weg 25
SXF: Schonefeld (Berlin, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
Volunteers are invited to support the installation of the exhibition in Stuttgart, they can develop their own art campaign and perform street theatre.
Accomodation & food:
We sleep in tents and on the floor of community centers. Sleeping pad and sleeping bag to be brought. Vegetarian Food will be prepared together.
Location & leisure:
Workcamp will start in Stuttgart with actions at EUCOM, the US headquarter for nuclear weapons in Europe. There will be excursions to a former location of nuclear missiles in Mutlangen in the "Swabian Jura" (where the blockades against the missiles has been successful!) and to the military airbase Buechel in the "Eifel". The participants can visit attractions in the "Swabian Jura" and the "Eifel".
motivation letter would be fine - additional fee because of travel costs 50,- Euro
English, German
STR: Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
Studying part: The Group will have German lessons by a native speaker German teacher 3 hours in the morning. You will get the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in communication and grammar, depending on your needs and wishes. In the free time excursions to Berlin and its surrounding area are planned. You are asked to communicate only in German in your leisure time to deepen your new learned skills.
Accomodation & food:
You will live in heated bungalows with up to 6 girls or boys on the ground of the place where you will have the language course. In the bungalows you will find your own bathroom with a shower and WC. You will get bed linen, there is no need to bring a sleeping bag with you.Die Teilnehmer werden in beheizbaren Bungalows auf dem Gelaende der Projekt- und Begegnungsstaette schlafen. In den Bungalows gibt es ein separates Bad mit Dusche und WC. Es werden maximal 6 maennliche oder weibliche Teilnehmer in einem Bungalow wohnen. Bettwaesche bekommst du im Objekt, du brauchst keinen Schlafsack mitzubringen.
Make your own films! That's what you can try out in this international media camp. "Learning by doing" is the way forward, and in small groups you can do this by gathering and experimenting with new ideas. After an introduction to the technology involved, you can develop a storyline and get the cameras ready to dive straight into filming. Whether a short film with yourselves as actors or a documentary – you can tell your own little story. Your fantasy will be set free and there will be no limits. As well as learning how to handle the camera and how to use toning techniques, you'll also learn how to edit and and add sounds to your films on the computer. Previous experience in this area is not necessary, but very much welcomed. Throughout the creative process, you will be supported by an experienced media instructor.
arrival only possible on Saturday 8th July and departures only on Saturday 22nd July
Accomodation & food:
You will be sleeping on air beds in a simple, cosy youth centre. Meals will be prepared and cooked together in groups.
Location & leisure:
Your accommodation lies in the trendy neighbourhood in the middle of the city. From there you can visit the 1200 years old town of Bremen - with its many sights, cultural opportunities, nightlife and shopping centres. At the weekends, it's possible to take day trips to the coast of the North Sea, to Hamburg and to other cities in Germany.
Paricipants on this project should be interested in filming, both technical aspects as well as the editing process.
BRE: Bremen (Bremen, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
This year is planned to renovate one of the children's hut, this means: Sanding the walls and painting it all new and covering it with a new membrane. There will be build a new sand box for the kids and a new wooden surface for a shelter.Important is the work in the "Garten der Sinne", which needs maintenance every year. Especially the tunnels made of wicker. Volunteers will be integrated into the household and are asked to cook the typical food of our country for approximately 20 guests and stuff of the Müllerhof. In the end of the workcamp an international evening is planned, to introduce the countries of the participants. This will be open to the public.
Study part:
It is a workcamp including German language training. There will be no lectures like one know from school. But every day a teacher will introduce games and exercises in linguistic animation in order to train volunteers how to communicate in typical situations and to get self-confidence in talking German language. There will be staff and German visitors in the center, with which volunteers can train their skills.You should be able to speak at least very simple phrases in German. Please communicate your level of German language knowledge.The language-course won't have the same standard like a professional language-school, but experiences with this concept have given very good results.Beside this volunteers can explore the possibilities and activities of the Müllerhof as an example of a socio cultural center.
Die Arbeit: In diesem Jahr wollen wir eines unserer (Kinder-)Spielhäuser renovieren. Mit Hilfe der Freiwilligen wird es abgeschliffen und neu gestrichen werden, außerdem soll es einen neuen Dachbelag bekommen. Ebenfalls für die Kinder wird ein neuer Sandkasten gebaut werden. Weiterhin wollen wir einen Unterstand mit Holz verkleiden, damit dieser als Schuppen genutzt werden kann. Wichtig sind die Pflegearbeiten im Garten der Sinne, die in jedem Jahr erneut anfallen und immer wieder eine Herausforderung bilden. Besonders bei der Pflege der Weidengänge (schneiden, flechten, binden) können die Freiwilligen des Workcamps den Müllerhof sehr unterstützen. Wir werden bei der Verpflegung im Haus integriert und können unsere landestypischen Gerichte für ca. 20 Mitarbeitende kochen. Am Ende sind wir eingeladen einen internationalen Abend im Müllerhof zu gestalten, zu dem auch Mittweidaer Bürger eingeladen werden.
Der Studienteil:
Dieses Workcamp wird in deutscher Sprache durchgeführt. Jeden Tag wird ein Trainer Übungseinheiten aus der Sprachanimation anbieten. In spielerischen Übungen trainieren die Freiwilligen die einfachen Dialoge alltäglicher Situationen und werden selbstsicherer im Sprechen. Auch das Personal und die Besucher*innen des Müllerhofes freuen sich darauf, mit den Freiwilligen Deutsch zu sprechen. Daneben können die Freiwilligen die Aktivitäten und Möglichkeiten eines Soziokulturellen Zentrums erkunden.
Accomodation & food:
The participants will sleep in the big loft of the Muellerhof (80m²) which includes a shower and toilets.
Die Unterbringung:
Es steht eine gemeinsame Unterbringung im ausgebauten Dachboden (80 m² - ein großer Raum), zur Verfügung, Dusche und WC sind vorhanden.
Location & leisure:
Region: Mittweida is surrounded by a nice landscape with nice places waiting to be visited. Next interesting cities are Freiberg, Leipzig, Dresden. There is a university for applied science with lots of international students.
Leisure time:
There is a range of possibilities for excursions and visits of interesting places:
Ort / Region:
Der Müllerhof liegt genau in der Mitte des Städtedreiecks der schönen sächsischen Kulturstädte Chemnitz, Dresden und Leipzig. In Mittweida gibt es eine technische Hochschule mit vielen internationalen Studenten. Die Talsperre Kriebstein, die Burg Kriebstein und das Zschopautal laden in der näheren Umgebung zu Ausflügen ein.
Die Freizeit:
Fahrt in die Kulturstädte Dresden, Leipzig oder Chemnitz, Wanderungen zur Talsperre und Burg Kriebstein, Talsperrenfest mit kulturellen Angeboten, Outdoor-Aktivitäten im angrenzenden Zschopautal, Besichtigung der Hochschule Mittweida, Rathaus, Museum, Kirche etc.
Special requirements: Please bring a sleeping bag and working clothes with you.As the language course is not for absolute beginners, volunteers must be able already to make some basic communication in German language. Volunteers also must be willing to communicate with each other during the camp in German and not in English or in their own mother tongue for the whole time, not only during the lectures. This is one important part of the concept.
Additional fee:
Because of the language-course there is an extra-fee of 100,- EUR to be paid upon arrival. A certificate for participating in the language-course can be given at the end of the camp.
Bitte einen Schlafsack und Arbeitskleidung mitbringen.Da der Sprachkurs nicht für absolute Anfänger geeignet ist, sollten die Freiwilligen schon etwas Basiskennnisse in Deutsch haben. Ihr solltet während der ganzen Zeit nur Deutsch sprechen und nicht auf Englisch oder die Muttersprachen ausweichen.Zusätzliche Gebühr: Zu Unterstützung des Sprachlehrers ist zu Beginn des Workcamps eine zusätzliche Gebühr in Höhe von 100,-Euro zu entrichten.
English, German
LEJ: Leipzig Halle (Leipzig, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
The Border Memorial has landmark status. Working there will include maintenance and clearing of historical structures and areas such as the former dog run , a fenced-in strip near the border, were guard dogs were positioned at frequent intervals to keep a round-the-clock watch. In the course of the workcamp, there will be several study parts, such as a two day History Lab at the Marienborn Memorial to German Division, located on the ground of the formerly most important border crossing between East and West Germany. You will go on excursions to learn more about the period of the German division, contemporary Germany and its people. The highlight of this historical part might be your excursion to Berlin, where you will visit the German Bundestag (German Parliament).
Accomodation & food:
You will stay in the former village hall that is renovated now and gives enough room for everyone. There are different sleeping rooms with beds provided and a good equipped kitchen as well.
Location & leisure:
Hoetensleben is a little village with approx. 2,500 inhabitants. International workcamps have been taking place there for 20 years now, so local inhabitants are looking forward to welcome the volunteers. Many activities will be done together with local associations, e.g. the voluntary fire brigade of Hoetensleben. Since you will be taking part in the 20th Workcamp, there will also be a big party, celebrating the anniversary of work and exchange across borders. Volunteers should be interested in German contemporary history since we will work at and visit historical places and commemoration sites that are related to Germany s history. Therefore, please add a short motivation letter to your application, describing your interest in this special project.
Please, include a motivation letter with your application.
- To bring together young people from different countries and deepen their understanding of history, enabling them to gain insight into the period of National Socialism;- To show how two different camps as the result of two dictatorships could exist in the same place; - To go deeper into how the administration and extermination machine worked;- To consider oneself as part of history and of today's society, and taking responsibility for the future. Different guided tours are planned, e.g. to the "Topographie des Terrors" (, to the "Haus der Wannseekonferenz" (, guided bicycle tours through Oranienburg and to other places connected to the German history.The participants of the workcamp will give their assistance to the memorial site especially in the form of manual work. Please be prepared for a huge study part and less physical work. The group will prepare a camp map of their project in the end. It is possible that workshops are run by volunteers from the memorial.
Study part:
Besides the manual work the study component will be an important part of our project. Volunteers will learn a lot about the time of National Socialism, the Holocaust and also something about the period after World War II especially the Soviet camp Sachsenhausen until 1950. Guided tours in and around the memorial site Sachsenhausen and excursions to different memorials and places of earlier German history are planned. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in the exhibitions and in the library of the memorial site. Furthermore there will be several discussions with employees who perform guided tours and are involved in historical research. The international volunteers with their different backgrounds will inform the group about the memories and commemoration in their countries.All participants should have a very good knowledge of the English language and should be very interested in history and the present problems of neo-fascism and racism.
Work part:
The common learning at the historical site of Sachsenhausen shall be supplemented by manual work which constitutes the participant´s contribution to the maintenance of the memorial. This part will be rather small. Important!For this project it is necessary to have good or very good English skills!!! German skills are beneficial.Please prepare at home a short presentation about your country, including the history of your home country and the view on German history.
Accomodation & food:
You will be accommodated in a youth hostel, The building is on the grounds of historical Sachsenhausen concentration camp complex, and was built in 1938 as the official residence of the "Concentration Camp Inspector", 2 km away from the memorial centre. It is not necessary to bring a sleeping bag. Bed sheets and linen will be provided. You will sleep in shared rooms with a lot of space. In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group.
Location & leisure:
Important! Volunteers have to be able to ride a bike, because various shorter and longer bicycle-tours are planned. In the free time it's possible to go to Berlin or Potsdam. Volunteers will find many forests and lakes to walk, cycle or just relax. However, the free time activities will mainly depend on participants' ideas.
For this project it is necessary to have good or very good English skills!!! German skills are beneficial.Please prepare at home a short presentation about your country, including the history of your home country and the view on German history.A motivation letter - specific to this project- is required.Volunteers should be able to ride a bike, because various shorter and longer bicycle-tours are planned.
In the first week of the camp there will be an intensive German language course (2 x 90 min. per day) in order for you to learn conversational German used in everyday situations as well as develop a better idea about the German language in general. Your language teachers are native German speakers and have experience teaching German as a foreign language. During the first week, they will also be a part of your group. In the second and third weeks you'll be helping with the restoration of war casualties' graves in Reinickendorf, in the north of Berlin. This particular war graves cemetery was established for the burial of both German and non-German soldiers and civilians. You and the other members of your group will be helping with tasks such as mowing and renewing lawns, and cleaning gravestones and concrete frames.
Accomodation & food:
All participants will sleep on the floor of one room in the youth leisure centre "PallasT". You will prepare and cook meals in small groups.
Location & leisure:
Berlin offers a wide range of free-time opportunities for any time of day. In order to accommodate the many different interests of your team, you'll receive a Cityticket which can be used for all public transport across Berlin, valid for the duration of the camp.
This camp is for participants with no prior knowledge of the German language.
English, German
BER: Berlin - Metropolencode (Berlin, Germany)Vegetarian food will be available
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »