The association Le Créneau (Solidarités Jeunesses in Auvergne) is installed in a small castle in the heart of a vast estate in Auvergne. It is open all year for people from different social and cultural backgrounds, who come to work voluntarily. The willingness of the association is to increase its hosting capacity during the summer.
You will work on a geodesic dome (simple structure of semi-permanent housing) in order to host 4 more people. You will make a wooden floor and other works on the roofing. Concerned about environmental issues, the wood will come from the recovery and recycling of pallets. The roofing will be performed in cob (a mixture of earth and straw) and wood. In parallel, a braided fence with willow and hazel will be carried out around the garden so as to prevent the possible visit of wild animals.
Accomodation & food:
in tents
Location & leisure:
Leisure: Leisure activities will be organized and chosen collectively by the group. This project will allow you to meet youngsters from all over the world and French people, to discover the rural lifestyle, to make city trips (Vichy, Moulins) and to visit some tourist attractions in the region.
Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier), 45 km away from Moulins.
In the Parc des Volcans d�Auvergne, the community of cities of the Murat area organizes every year, with Etudes et Chantiers, a teenage workcamp. Their goal is to revitalize this rural area which owns an important natural and architectural heritage. Web address http
You will particpate to restore build heritage or natural heritage.
Accomodation & food:
You will sleep in tents at the communal campsite The group will organise teams so that everybody can participate in the cleaning, tidying up, and preparation of the meals� Do not forget your recipes !
Location & leisure:
On your arrival, leaders will propose several activities, but your ideas are welcomed and everything can be discussed. So be imaginative, the workcamp is a place for having fun! We don�t expect you to do activities on your own, you will live an experience in a group and things are planned within the group. Don t forget it !
The city is high above sea level, evenings and nights are often fresh and sometimes cold. Bring sweaters and a warm sleeping bag.
Since 2010 Concordia works with the Community of Communes « La Domitienne ». The project will be held in Maraussan, an exceptional vineyard commune located in the Hérault department approximately 8 km away from Béziers nearby the Orb River. The landscape diversity plus the rich cultural heritage are remarkable in the region. You will have the chance to discover the chapel of Notre-Dame de la Providence, Perdiguier castle or the wash house. The purpose of this project will be to enhance the latter by paving the access between the fountain and the wash house.
You will start to replace the pavement in concrete between the fountain and the wash house with a traditional one. You will also work on the wall cladding between the spillway and the old school for girls. Finally, you will participate in clearing around the wash house.
Accommodation and food:
You will be accommodated in tents on the stadium of the village, with boys and girls separated. Inside the stadium you will have access to the kitchen, toilets, showers and the collective living space. Bring your sleeping bag (and a tent if you want to take yours). You will participate to the preparation of meals in turns. We'll favour the local products and the short supply circuits.
Location and leisure:
Maraussan is located in the south of France, in the Hérault department (Languedoc-Roussillon) approximately 8 km away from Béziers. For more information about the village, visit:
Special requirements and remarks:
Take work clothes, closed shoes, warm clothes and a torch for evenings, protection against the sun (hat, glasses, sunscreen), mosquito repellent and your nicest swim suit. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments and games. Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their home country.
The Beaumotte Centre is a popular education association that carries out various actions in the context of local development and international exchange. The association is a collective hosting center that works throughout the year with people who are between 15 and 50 years old. The project is based on the mixture of people, so every summer, the association wishes to allow young people from 15 to 17 years to experience an international workcamp.
You will build a hens house for the centre. This project is part of a sustainable development in large-scale on our centre. You will learn basic techniques of carpentry and construction. It will also be an opportunity to share environmental practices.
Accomodation & food:
Under a tent on the garden of the association. You will sleep on camp beds. You'll be able to use the house facilities. Bring a sleeping bag.
Location & leisure:
Leisure activities: Afternoons will be dedicated to recreational activities which will be organized by the group and leaders. You will meet the people hosted in the centre during the collective moments (meals/kitchen/household). All participants will prepare the meals on an alternating pattern. The program also includes visits to the city of Besançon, the chapel of Ronchamp or walks in the mountains of Jura.
Beaumotte les Montbozon is located 25 km from Vesoul and 30 km from Besançon.Closest train station : Vesoul
Champagney is at the crossroads of many cultural and architectural sites such as the Museum of la négritude, the mining museum and the chapel at Ronchamp by Le Corbusier. This project is conducted in partnership with the community of communes of Rahin et Chérimont, regular partner of the centre of Beaumotte for almost 10 years.
In the heart of the village, in front of the Museum of La négritude, you will renovate part of the paving. You will learn to work in teams as well as to use the techniques of paving and laying of stones.
Accomodation & food:
In the ballroom of the village. You will sleep on camp beds. The hall has a community kitchen and bathroom (sink and toilet). Showers will be taken in the homes of residents.
Leisure activities:
You will be able to hang out with the locals and to discover the rural world. Activities such as swimming, sailing, hiking and the international dinner will be organized. This workcamp will allow you to meet both young people from around the world and french youngsters. A minibus will be available to transport the group to different spots and to the cities of Besançon and Belfort.
During the 19th century, the town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre was renowned over the world for the quality of the millstones it produced. Since 2007, the association Vir´Volt has been based in the town and has helped to celebrate the heritage and create local animation through the organisation of international workcamps. The association has created an international campsite where young people from different countries come to work and live together. There willl be a group of 12 French volunteers on this camp.
During the workcamp, international, French and local volunteers will take part in different works in the town and on the site of the association. Projects will include some clearing works in a public area of the town, as well as some construction works on the camp site of the association. The works on the campsite will consist in the building of environmentaly friendly installations (outside lavatories, systems to collect rain water) to promote eco-friendly practices. For this work, you will be trained in wood and construction work.
Accomodation & food:
In communal tents (yurts, tipis) on the campsite of the association. You need to bring along a sleeping bag.
Location & leisure:
Leisure activities: You will have the chance to enjoy the association's campsite and to discover the cultural and natural heritage of the region which is home to the brie cheese. You will also be given the opportunity to meet and socialise with local young people. Other leisure activities will be organised collectively depending on the wishes of the group and the available budget.
The town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 60 km East of Paris, in the region of Seine-et-Marne.
Closest train station:
La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Note: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If you wish to visit Paris, you should arrive some days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
The international hosting centre of Vaunières (Les Villages de Jeunes association) has welcomed people from all sociocultural background for over 50 years. International volunteers, youngsters, groups, families, and hikers live and work together at the heart of this hamlet nested in the middle of a circle of mountains. Through their workcamps, meals, outings and activities, all these people meet each other in a joyful atmosphere. These people are housed in different buildings but also in camping tents. This year we are going to expand and renew one of our camping sites, "Le camping des trolls"
As a volunteer in this international workcamps, you will be brought in to help with the renovation of a log cabin and with the arrangement of 10 small camping terraces. Tasks will include: disassembly, frame, woodworking, creation of wood elements, insulation, interior arrangements (benches, tables, kitchenette, decoration), ground work, terracing, soil enrichment.This workcamp will be an opportunity to develop knowledge and techniques related to wood and to the soil arrangement (terrace implantation, tracing circulation paths, planting hedges to define spaces and cut the dominant winds.)
Accomodation & food:
in tents (for 2 or 3 people)
Location & leisure:
Leisure activities: You will be immersed in the village's life by taking part in pizza evenings, barbecues, themed dance evenings, international meals, sports etc. In addition, our hamlet is located at the crossroads of several hiking trails and small streams, hikes, walks and swimming will be part of the activities proposed. You will also be able to participate in local events (festivals, province markets) and to visit the Buëch Region
Hameau de Vaunières, St-Julien-en-Beauchêne, 50 km away from Gap
The association Le Créneau (Solidarités Jeunesses in Auvergne) is installed in a small castle in the heart of a vast estate in Auvergne. It is open all year for people from different social and cultural backgrounds, who come to work voluntarily. The willingness of the association is to develop the area around the castle by creating a chill out space bordering the forest.
A wooden platform will be carried out at the entrance of the forest between trees. It will create a welcoming space to rest and to sleep under the stars! So you can try your hand at woodworking. Conscious of environmental issues, we will use recycled materials, the wood of the platform will come from the pallet recycling. The landscaping will be carried around to awaken the creativity of young artists and help you discover the land art techniques.
Accomodation & food:
in tents
Location & leisure:
Leisure: Leisure activities will be organized and chosen collectively by the group. This project will allow you to meet youngsters from all over the world and French people, to discover the rural lifestyle, to make city trips (Vichy, Moulins) and to visit some tourist attractions in the region.
Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier), 45 km away from Moulins.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »