This is the second time that Ishoej Youth Club is hosting a work camp. This year the Youth Club wishes to bring the world to Ishoej and it will be the international volunteers' job to help that the wish come true! The Youth Club is located in the suburb Ishoej. Ishoej is located 18 kilometres from the centre of Copenhagen. There live app. 18.000 people in Ishoej, out of which 22,7 % have a non-Danish background. The Youth Club believes that the many cultures represented in the area are a resource and by inviting volunteers from the whole world they want to make this even more visible
The overall goal of the camp is to host a short culture festival at the Youth Club, where young people (age 13-17 ) from Ishoej are invited to come and learn more about different cultures. In the first week of the work camp the volunteers will prepare activities and workshops for the culture festival. The idea is that the volunteers will host/organize activities and workshops about their own culture. In that way a lot of different cultures will be represented at the festival. In the second week of the work camp the culture festival will take place in the afternoons and hopefully a lot of young people from the area will come and participate in the activities. The Youth Club has all kind of facilities, including a well-equipped music studio, gear to shoot and edit movies, sewing facilities, a great kitchen, a stage and a dance hall. So it will be possible to arrange a lot of different activities and workshops for the culture festival.
The volunteers must be open-minded, motivated for sharing their culture with others and ready to host activities/workshops for young people between 13-17 years. Volunteers with artistic skills, such as music, dance, cooking, painting, sewing, film making etc., will find this camp very exciting, as it will be possible to use these skills during the activities and workshops. A short letter of motivation is required.
The camp takes places in Ishoej, a suburb located 18 kilometres south of Copenhagen. From Ishoej it is possible to go by city train to Copenhagen, the trip takes 15 min. and the trains run every 10 min. Ishoej is located by the sea and there are nice beaches close by.
This is the fourth year that Global Contact and our local partner arrange a Kids Camp in the residential area Tingbjerg, which is located a little outside of Copenhagen.
Many of the residents in Tingbjerg are children (33 %) and most of them have a non-Danish background (Somalian, Iraqi, Pakistani, Yugoslavian, Moroccan and Lebanese). We think that ethnic diversity is a resource and we want to highlight that through this camp. The unemployment rate in Tingbjerg is very high and lot of residents have low or no education and speak poor Danish. This situation causes a lot negative consequences, in particular for the children. In the summer holiday these children are often left to drift around and hang in the streets.
The overall purpose of the Kids Camp is therefore to organize exciting, healthy and funny summer holiday activities for children in Tingbjerg. The camp will be based at a local school, so it will be possible to organize all kinds of activities – from sports and events to theatre and painting workshops.
The main goal of the Kids Camp is to give the children who participate in the activities great and memorable summer holiday experiences. At the same time we hope, that the meeting between the international volunteers and the children will promote understanding across cultural differences.
You do not need any special skills to attend this work camp. You only need to be highly motivated to give the kids the summer of their life. Therefore we would kindly ask you to attach a motivation letter with your application, where you in brief describe yourself and why you want to go.
Tingbjerg is located 8 kilometres from the centre of Copenhagen (the capital for Denmark) and there are various bus connections from Tingbjerg to the city centre. There live app. 5.600 people in Tingbjerg and the area is situated close to beautiful nature areas.
You will stay in a house close by the school.
(Train) Copenhagen Central Station
Nearest airport:
Copenhagen (CPH)
If you go to and search for “Tingbjerg work camp”, you can see a short film from one of last year’s other Kids Camps. Or you can follow this link: The film is called “Summercamp/Workcamp in Tingbjerg.”
This is the fourth year that "Sjakket" – a neighbourhood after school centre, is hosting a Kids Camp in the residential area Mjoelnerparken. 97 % of the residents in Mjoelnerparken have a non-Danish background and they represent 38 different nationalities. We think that ethnic diversity is a resource and we want to highlight that through this camp.
The unemployment rate in Mjoelnerparken is very high and a lot of residents have low or no education and speak poor Danish. This situation causes a lot negative consequences, in particular for the children. And in the summer holiday these children are often left to drift around and hang in the streets.
The overall purpose of the Kids Camp is therefore to organize exciting, healthy and funny summer holiday activities for the children who live in Mjoelnerparken. The camp will be based at the after school centre Sjakket. Sjakket has a lot of different facilities so it will be possible to organize all kinds of activities – from sports and dance events to theatre and painting workshops.
The overall goal of the Kids Camp is to give the children who participate in the activities great and memorable summer holiday experiences. At the same time we hope, that the meeting between the international volunteers and the children will promote understanding across cultural differences.
Requirements :
You do not need any special skills to attend this work camp. You only need to be highly motivated to give the kids the summer of their life. Therefore we would kindly ask you to attach a motivation letter with your application, where you in brief describe yourself and why you want to go.
Mjoelnerparken is located in an area of Copenhagen called Noerrebro. Noerrebro is a multi-ethnic melting pot in Copenhagen, with a great vibe, many unique shops and cosy cafés which reflect the multicultural area. Noerrebro is close to the centre of Copenhagen and down town is just a short walk or a bus ride away.
TBA – but accommodation will definitely be indoors with shower and toilet facilities.
(Train) Copenhagen Central Station
Nearest airport:
Copenhagen (CPH)
If you go to and search for "Tingbjerg work camp", you can see a short film from one of last year's other Kids Camps. Or you can follow this link: The film is called "Summercamp/Workcamp i Tingbjerg."
The work camp is arranged in cooperation with the Women's Centre IKC. IKC is a daytime offer to women with immigrant backgrounds. Throughout the year, the IKC arrange activities, network opportunities and different kinds of counselling, ranging from legal advice to assistance with job applications. In the summer, these activities are expanded, as the centre is among the few open facilities during the school holidays.
Two days each week, the work camp volunteers will be responsible for planning activities at the centre – these activities could include sports, creative projects, cooking food from different cultures etc. The activities will be planed upon arrival and will therefore depend on the participants' skills and ideas – this will give the volunteers a great opportunity to develop the work camp! During the two weeks, it will furthermore be up to the participants to plan a great summer party that will take place the last Friday of the work camp, and where all the women, children and staff at the centre will be invited to attend. The remaining three days of the week, participants will assist with the already existing activities at the centre - these could for example be bike-riding courses, cooking, sewing and activities with the children, as well as helping out with the weekly excursion out of Copenhagen.
Social and cultural exchange is an important part of the camp and during the evenings and the weekends, volunteers will have plenty of free time to get to know each other, and each other's different cultures and the beautiful city of Copenhagen!
Requirements :
This work camp is only open to female volunteers, because it takes place at a centre exclusively for women and their children. In order to make this work camp successful, it is important that all participants are flexible, full of initiative and open-minded as the women at the centre come from all around the world and have varying backgrounds. As most of the women speak Arabic, it would be an advantage if you have some knowledge of the Arabic language – however, this is not a requirement for participation. Previous experience from similar projects, or with teaching or working with children, is a plus, but as with the above, not a requirement. The most important thing is that the volunteers are full of ideas and want to put them into action! A short letter of motivation is required.
Location :
The camp will take place in an area of Copenhagen called Noerrebro. Noerrebro is a multi-ethnic melting pot in Copenhagen, with a great vibe, many unique shops and cosy cafés which reflect the multicultural area. Noerrebro is close to the centre of Copenhagen and down town is just a short walk or bus ride away.
TBA – but it will definitely be indoors with shower and toilet facilities.
(Train) Copenhagen Central Station
Nearest airport:
Copenhagen (CPH)
This is a work camp for female volunteers above the age of 21 only.
Summer School Gellerup can celebrate their fifth year anniversary this summer and to make sure that this will stand out as an extraordinary event, they have decided to invite international volunteers to be part of this year's Summer School.
This Summer School takes place in the suburb Gellerup, which is located a little outside Aarhus (the second largest city in Denmark). There live app. 8.000 people in Gellerup, out of which 88 % have a non-Danish background. Summer School Gellerup believes that the many cultures represented in the area are a resource and the project wants to make this visible.
Over half of residents who live in Gellerup support them self and their families on low income transfer from the Danish Government, a lot of them speak poor Danish and have no education. This gives cause to a range of negative consequences, in particular for the children who live in Gellerup. That is part of the reason why a group of students form Aarhus for the last four years has organized Summer School Gellerup.
Summer School Gellerup is not really a school; it is more like a 4-day (from 18th – 22th of July) summer holiday event, where the children through fun activities learn more about different cultures. Last year's theme was Asian cultures. This year's the theme will be the Romani people, Mongolians, Inuits from Greenland and the Masai people of Kenya. The Summer School is organized together with the local activity centre Globus1. Globus1 have all kinds of facilities, so the activities for the children can range from dance and theatre to all kinds of sports and creative activities. In the days before the Summer School the volunteers will help developing and preparing the activities. During the summer school the volunteers will be "teachers" and organize the activities and when the Summer School ends there will a couple of days to close it all down and clean up.
You do not need any special skills to attend this work camp. You only need to be highly motivated to give the kids the summer of their life. Therefore we would kindly ask you to attach a motivation letter with your application, where you in brief describe yourself and why you want to go.
The camp is located in suburb Gellerup, 8 kilometres outside Aarhus. A population around 300.000 makes Aarhus the second largest city in Denmark. There are various bus connections from Gellerup to the centre of Aarhus.
At a local school.
(Train and bus) Aarhus
Nearest airport:
Aarhus. It is also possible to fly to Copenhagen and then go by train to Aarhus.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »