We will work for the Partycipation Festival(http://www.partycipation.at/) in three phases: preparation, carrying out and ending of the festival. The festival itself lasts one week. There will be workshops about creative and sustainable topics, open spaces and music bands on the weekend (official website: www.partycipation.at). It s a small festival. In total there are expected to come around 300-400 people during the whole week.The work will start on Monday 14th of July. You will work approximately six hours a day. During the preparation phase you will prepare the festival location (construct tents and stage, decorate the area etc.) and cook together. During the carrying out phase you will host the area, keep it clean, do cooking and bar shifts and take care of children. You can also participate in the workshops and think about a creative performance which you can do in the open space. Maybe there will be the possibility to stay in tents at the festival location during the one week of the festival. In the ending phase everything has to be cleaned and deconstructed. Be aware that the work is outdoor all the time (different weather conditions should not be a bother for you). In your free time you will have the opportunity to visit Vienna and other nearby locations of interest.
Accomodation & food:
We will be hosted in a location near to the festival location (school or parish office). Things to bring with you: You need to bring with you a sleeping bag and mats (we will sleep on the floor), working clothes, working shoes, raincoat, swimming suit, sun protection. If you require any medicaments (e.g. because of an allergy), don t forget to bring them with you.Food: There we will cook for ourselves. (Please inform us whether you require a special diet or are vegetarian.) When we cook at the festival location with the festival team (lunch and sometimes dinner) we will have just vegetarian or vegan organic meals in order to a sustainable and healthy nutrition. Your accommodation and food are covered i however, we recommend you to bring some pocket money: The currency used in Austria is Euros. Furthermore we invite you to bring typical food, spices, drinks, games and music from your country (for an intercultural evening) i and a lot of motivation
Location & leisure:
All volunteers that participate apply through our partner organisations abroad and must meet the following criteria: be over 18 years of age be open minded and flexible be able to communicate in Basic English show commitment What the Volunteer needs to bring... Health Insurance Card His/her own sleeping bags/ mats. Correct work wear and weatherproof clothing Money to cover their free time activities as well as their internal transportation.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »