Jeju Island is considered to be one of the famous islands in Korea. The host organization for this Workcamp is called Gotjawal Small School. The school emphasizes the importance of peace and environment by organizing two summer camps with the international volunteers. In this project, volunteers will mainly contribute in hosting and assisting educational programs that kids will participate on their visit to this school. Volunteers in this project should enjoy being out in the nature and working with children. During the free time, volunteers will have a chance to experience beautiful landscapes and wonderful beaches while they are in Jeju Island. They will also be able to enjoy the nice hot weather as well as experiencing the exotic places of the island.
Study part:
Max age:
40Accomodation: In the village guest house. Bring a sleeping bag, crash mat and travel pillow.
Juju Island; one hour flight from Seoul. Travelling by ship is also possible. (
Hwacheon is famous for the cleanest environment area in Korea and is the place where nature and people coexist in harmony. In contrast, Hwacheon has the sad history of wars and city located in north part of South-Korea and close to DMZ. Currently, people want to symbolize here as a memorial place for peace. So, the main aim of this project is involving Life and Peace school and share with students about the value of peace. Volunteers will mainly participate in Life and Peace school and organize activities for local students. Moreover they will help local people with farming in fields. They will experience various interesting cultures in farming area in Korea. Hwacheon has beautiful natural scenery and volunteers are able to join water skiing, fishing, tenting and other leisure and tourism activities all year round. The most interesting for volunteers can be visiting historical and cultural places include DMZ and Peace dam.
Study part:
Max age:
40Accomodation: In a community center. Bring a sleeping bag, crash mat and travel pillow.
Hwacheon, Gangwon Province, 100 km away east from Seoul. (
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »