Volunteers have the choice to work in orphanages, being invited to be a support for staff of theproject with the daily care of orphan children. Work would include teaching English, drawingsand taking part in the community activities.The work is varied and so you must be flexible in tackling your work. The work could involverehabilitating, educating and bringing them back to the main stream of life.The work might also include, cleaning activities, cooking, gardening, playing in the evening,helping with homework, teaching singing, bringing awareness among children, etc.The info sheet will have more information regarding the individual projects with schedules, andactivities.
Hosting Fee:
RS. 10.000 for each month. Please remember that the participation fee is non refundable. Please decide while you apply how long you want to be in our program. The participation fee will be collected only for a full month and it is not possible to apply for half a month. The payment will be collected on the first two days of the programme, during the orientationweek. The amount will be collected only in the local currency (Indian Rupees). We do not accept any payments in foreign currency. We expect volunteers to pay the first three months of the participation fee before starting the programme, for practical and organisational reasons.What does your program participation fee cover? We are a non-profit organisation, so we have kept our prices as affordable as possible. FSL India is a non-profit body registered under the Indian Trust Act. We receive absolutely no financial support from the government of India or from any other foreign agency. The main source of income available for FSL is the participation fee that is collected from the volunteers.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »