For the last 15 years, the Sea Turtle population has been under threat from fishing and egg predation by locals. Three species of the protected Sea turtle are nesting on India s West coast and all of them are endangered species. As part of this project, FSL-India is working along a 60-kilometre stretch of beach in the south and north of Kundapur, Karnataka. The work is focused on sea turtle protection and conservation. The work involves surveys, data gathering and analysis, awareness rising amongst the local community and within schools, harbours and fishing communities. You will also be required to build hatcheries and temporary information centres, as well as design and create promotional material.
Accomodation & food:
You could be staying with local families near to the project. You could be sharing rooms with 2-3 volunteers or staying on your own. Sometimes, projects provide accommodation for the volunteers. The project will provide a room that is shared by other volunteers or with the staff of the project.
Location & leisure:
Your FSL Coordinator or your host family will help you find good places for you to visit or travel during your free time. India is place where you have lots discover
What is needed to be an LTVWe welcome anybody who is interested to participate in our voluntary programs regardless of age, sex, religious belief, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Most of our programmes do not require any specific skills. But as the work is humanitarian in nature, we encourage volunteers to be:O Open Minded: It is essential to be open to new ideas, situations, morals, values and ways of doing things. Things may be different from what you are used to or your existing expectations. If you remain open minded then you will be flooded with new opportunities. Broadening the mind is at the heart of inter-cultural exchange.O Flexible: Remaining flexible to ideas, people, situations and encounters is important. While working at social projects, you will be dealing with people i and people are unpredictable. Taking a flexible approach is often the best way to deal with such situations.O Creative: Taking a creative approach to your volunteer placement and work maintains motivation and, prevents routine and boredom for yourself and the project. When you start to think creatively it is amazing what can be achieved.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »