Work part: Although the main task will be studies of history, manual work like gardening, maintenance work and cleaning-up of specific areas of the memorial are planned. Study part: Besides the manual work the study component will be an important part of our project. Volunteers will learn a lot about the time of National Socialism, the Holocaust and also something about the period after World War II especially the Soviet camp Sachsenhausen until 1950. Guided tours in and around the memorial site Sachsenhausen and excursions to different memorials and places of earlier German history are planned. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in the exhibitions and in the library of the memorial site. Furthermore there will be several discussions with employees who perform guided tours and are involved in historical research. The international volunteers with their different backgrounds will inform the group about the memories and commemoration in their countries.
Accomodation & food:
You will be accommodated in a youth hostel, 2 km away from the memorial centre.
Location & leisure:
Sachsenhausen is a part of Oranienburg, ca. 33 km to the north of Berlin.
For this project it is necessary to have good or very good English skills German skills are beneficial.Please prepare at home a short presentation about your country, including the history of your home country and the view on German history.A motivation letterspecific to this project- is required.Volunteers should be able to ride a bike, because various shorter and longer bicycle-tours are planned.
Studienteil: Die Gruppe wird von einer ausgebildeten muttersprachlichen Lehrerin 3 Stunden am Vormittag Deutschunterricht erhalten. Es werden Grammatik und Kommunikation vertieft, je nach Wunsch und Bedarf der Teilnehmer. In der Freizeit sind Exkursionen durch Berlin und in die naehere Umgebung geplant. Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Teilnehmer auch in der Freizeit Deutsch miteinander kommunizieren werden, um den Unterrichtsstoff zu vertiefen. Studying part: The Group will have German lessons by a native speaker German teacher 3 hours in the morning. You will get the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in communication and grammar, depending on your needs and wishes. In the free time excursions to Berlin and its surrounding area are planned. You are asked to communicate only in German in your leisure time to deepen your new learned skills.
Accomodation & food:
Die Teilnehmer werden in beheizbaren Bungalows auf dem Gelaende der Projekt- und Begegnungsstaette schlafen. In den Bungalows gibt es ein separates Bad mit Dusche und WC. Es werden maximal 6 maennliche oder weibliche Teilnehmer in einem Bungalow wohnen. Bettwaesche bekommst du im Objekt, du brauchst keinen Schlafsack mitzubringen.You will live in heated bungalows with up to 6 girls or boys on the ground of the place where you will have the language course. In the bungalows you will find your own bathroom with a shower and WC. You will get bed linen, there is no need to bring a sleeping bag with you.
Location & leisure:
Dieser Kurs ist fuer absolute Beginner ungeeignet, es sollten schon Sprachkenntnisse vorhanden sein
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »