There will be a lot of different jobs to do, but the main focus of the Work Camp is to create a trail around an old lake in IPC s own forrest. The trail will include steps, rails and obstacle course. The students at IPC used to get lost in the forrest, and was therefore not able to move around a enjoy the nature. The trail will fix this issue, and be apart of an effort to build sustainable. The trail will be build with respect for biodiversity and only from natural materials. IPC also hopes that the creation of the obstacle course will encourage their future students to be more active.
Accomodation & food:
1 or 2 person rooms in the buildings the IPC students normally live in when they are studying at IPC. You will at the school s kitchen which normally cooks for the entire school and its students. The kitchen is international like the school, so you will receive food and dishes from all over the world.
Location & leisure:
The International People s College is located on Montebello Alle 1-9, in the town of Helsingr (also known in English as Elsinore), not far from the Danish capital Copenhagen. IPC is a miniature world and you will undoubtly fell at home given the diversity of people who gather at IPC. However, it would be a shame not to explore a bit beyond this global village in the middle of the Danish region Nordsjaelland (North Zealand). In North Zealand you will find beautiful nature, close by beaches, and forest. North Zealand is also known for its many Castles and interesting museums. You can also visit the nearby Sweden. Check out more at:
Volunteers with experience in construction and manual garden work will be given priority.The International People s College is an international folk high school. The school has a long history of breaking down barriers between cultures. Cultural understanding, learning and creativity are key elements of our dialy life.
Hesselbjerggaard is an organic farm. At the farm we focus on sustainability in several ways. We will look at and discuss subjects such as nature preservation, renewable energy and consumption, recycling and so on. Theory will be put into practice by working on the farm and prepare and eat healthy ecological food which is produced locally and are relevant for the season or normally thrown out from the local supermarkets.At Sagnlandet 10.000 years of Danish history is brought to life. We will be working in a beautiful historic landscape in an environment of houses and settings from the Iron Age, Stone Age, Viking Age and 1800th century, where historic workshops, domestic animals, and even volunteer-families are living as they did time back. We will help out with different practical tasks such as weeding, whitewash or paint walls, repair fences and the like.We expect the whole team to work with the mentioned tasks every day from 9 am -3 pm.
Accomodation & food:
You will live as a guest on the farm. Everybody have to sleep together in a big room (no gender separation and no private life at night time if you do not bring a tent). There will only be two toilets/ one bathroom, which we have to share, and we will prepare meals together in teams in an ordinary kitchen. We will primarily eat local grown ecological food, and we will arrange with local supermarkets that we can have the food they normally throw out.
Location & leisure:
We will have a lot of activities to get to know each other, experience each other s cultures and generally have fun together. Some days the activities will be mandatory while others are voluntary. You do not have time, however, to go sightseeing for yourselves except from the last two days (datoer), where there will be a voluntary program of cultural experiences.One evening we will visit Lejre Townhall and hear the Mayor tell us about how Lejre is the first Danish municipality to implement a comprehensive effort to introduce ecology into all relevant activities. The goal is to make Lejre an attractive municipality to live in, to produce healthy food and to protect nature, climate and water. Moreover, the goal is to inspire other municipalities to follow the same path.
This Work Camp focuses on ecology and sustainability. Therefore you should only apply if you are interested in these focus areas. Basic level of English is also required.
This year Vingsted Historical Workshop has got a lot of great projects to offer you. Number one priority is a traditional wooden stair/path from one part of the village to the another. You will build like in a traditional manner and learn a lot of different techniques used several thousands of years ago. The other main project is wooden boad made from one big tree log. It will we build with axes and knifes just like back in the days.Another part of the daily work will be preparing for and cooking of food. In the end of the Work Camp the host will invite the local community to visit the Work Camp. You will prepare different work shops for this day, showing ways of cooking, making fur or third thing you have learned during the Work Camp. Vingsted Historical Workshop would like you to think of old ways of living from your home country which you could present on this day open to the public. Please include an idea in your application.
Accomodation & food:
As you will live the simple life of the Vikings, you will also sleep and eat as they did. This means that Vingsted Historical Workshop will create a menu for each day which can be prepared entirely like the Vikings did it. Living the simple life takes time, and therefore a small team will each day be in charge of collecting wood, making fires and gathering food. You will sleep in a big stone house on benches covered with fur from goats. You will not be cold as each part of the big stone house is situated with a fire.
Location & leisure:
Vingsted is a small city close to Vejle in Jutland. The last couple of years the host has borrowed tandem bicycles for all volunteers, and it has been a lot of fun experiencing the surroundings on these. The two camp leaders on this Work Camp were also camp leaders the last two years and knows the area and opportunities very well. Thus they will arrange fun and learning acitivities for you.
Volunteers should have an interest in history and different ways of living in different cultures at different times. Participants should be prepared to live as people did in Denmark during the Iron Age. Volunteers must be willing to undertake work task that can be phsyically demanding and require good teamworking skills. English at a conversational level is required.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »