Uganda Pioneers’ Association has its head office and guest house located in Nansana, 12 kilometres west of Kampala.
The current structure hosts UPA head office and a guest house for only 15 volunteers. For a while UPA has had to rent outside for extra volunteers. For the past 3 years UPA concentrated on improving the working environment and expanding the office space. With the completion of the new office block and on shifting the offices, it will now give way to embark on a task to start on major renovations to improve the living conditions of the volunteers. The renovation is intended to both improve on the structures and also to construct a new toilet, shower and kitchen to easy the living conditions of the volunteers. Painting, making outside resting shades and laying floor tiles shall be part of the other activities to be done. embers.
Work. •Mixing sand and cement •Collecting mortar and water •Painting and fittings •Laying floor tiles
•Accommodation will be in the UPA hall at the office. • Average but not luxury. •The camp site has simple bathrooms with no showers •The camp site has latrines not toilets •And a simple cooking shelter (kitchen).
International participants are required to pay a fee of 250 Euros. The fee covers pick up from the airport or bus station upon arrival in Uganda, Orientation at the UPA guesthouse, local transport to and from the work camp, food and accommodation during the work camp. The fee also contributes to the running of activities taking place during the work camp and communication prior to the camp.
A visit to Wamala tombs a 197 years old cultural heritage which is the burial ground for the 29th King of Buganda, the late Ssekabaka Suuna II Kalema Kasinjo Mukaabya Sekkyungwa who reigned from 1832 until October 1856. Visiting Nansana Community market Climbing Kabulengwa hill to have a view of all Nansana and surrounding suburbs.
Renovation and rehabilitation of the premises. Community Mobilisation. Sensitization. Bush clearing and environmental awareness.
Mercy Home of Children is a partnership between Uganda Voluntary Development Association (UVDA) and the founders of Mercy Home.The orphanage is in an appaling situation which needs renovation and rehabilitation for it to be habitable by the children.The children were forced to be resettled because of the the bad enviroment and the delapidated buildings which need renovation and rehabilitation.
UVDA is to organise youth camps to revamp the place and resources allowing put a child friendly enviroment for the children to play. The major activities will be renovation, painting, cleaning the compound, interacting with the children i.e. establishing a play centre and reequiping the home and raise awareness on child protection.
UVDA is kick starting the project by organizing a work camp which will help on mobilization and sensitization of the community.
Hosting Fee:
€200 is payable on arrival. This supports the cost of the workcamp and supports the survival of the association.
Flights arrive at Entebbe airport. Normally you will be met there but keep a little cash for transport in case it is needed.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »