The work camp will take place at UPA Pakwach branch, “ABONGO WOMEN’S GROUP PREMISES, Kamana Zone B”. Pakwach Town Council is in Nebbi District, West Nile region. Pakwach branch is located 420 km (6-7hrs) drive from Kampala. It is on the banks on river Nile just 1 Km on Kampala – Arua road. Pakwach branch officially registered with UPA in 2000 with the aim of helping the youth in Jonam County to participate in community development work.
Jonam County is a semi arid area with very unfavourable conditions for basic agriculture. The community mainly live on the scarce natural resources that are strained hence rampant environmental degradation. Food supplies are dependent on imports from neighbouring districts.
The Branch has since operated a community library hosted in the premises of Abong Women’s Group. Because of the achievements cultivated through the good relationship between UPA Pakwach Branch and Pakwach Town Council administration, the town Council has offered the branch premises that formerly belonged to the Ministry of Fisheries at their disposal to be renovated to host UPA Pakwach branch offices , the community library and youth centre.
Given this opportunity UPA has decided to offer UPA Pakwach branch an International workcamp to renovate these buildings.
On the other hand UPA Pakwach branch is still committed to continue with the work of addressing HIV/AIDS challenges through sensitisation.
Situated on the business transit route to Southern Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); heavy drinking in youths, prostitution; etc continue to expose this community to a high HIV/AIDS infection rate
Therefore the branch plans to continue with its sensitisation efforts on the dangers of HIV/AIDS using forum theatre in this international workcamp.
•Brick laying •Collecting and mixing sand •Painting and other mansionary renovation work •Visit Post AIDS clubs •Forum theatre trainings and a public performance on HIV/AIDS prevention and care •One-day public dialogue •Visit voluntary counselling and testing services that provide youth friendly services •Visit to hospitals where HIV/AIDS testing is done •Visit historical sites i.e Wanglei Puvumgu and Emin Pasha’s Tomb (WADELAI),
It is expected after the work camp:
•One public Forum theatre presentation and one public dialogue conducted in the community •500 people to be sensitised on HIV/AIDS prevention and care in Jonam County. •HIV/AIDS affected families •People in the fishing communities •work camp participants and UPA Pakwach branch members
The project expects 15 participants maximum with a composition of people from other regions of Uganda and International volunteer. Participants will work 6 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Saturdays and Sundays will mainly have interactive activities, forum theatre presentations, public dialogue with the communities.
No special or particular expertise/skills required, however participants with skills in forum theatre, community mobilisation, communication, handling issues of HIV.AIDS and Counselling stands an added advantage.
The workcamp shall draw participants from the local community volunteers from Uganda Pioneers’ Association and volunteers from the international community.
The debates and discussions shall be open for participation of the local population.It is hoped that the local community shall heavily benefit from the discussion on HIV/AIDS and the agro-forestry practices.
The accommodation shall be providing within Abongo Women’s’ Group premises. •Average but not luxury. •The camp site have simple bathrooms with no showers •The camp sites have latrines not toilets •And a simple cooking shelter (kitchen)
Participants will divide themselves in Groups to prepare own meals using charcoal and firewood. There is a variety of local foods to choose from. Dried cassava, millet and fish is the most common food. The project site has easy access to a water tap, a bore hole and a river source.
Uganda currently faces a very changing weather. During the period of the workcamp in October the temperatures will range between 26 – 30 degrees centigrade. It will also have rain intervals and sunshine. It is occasionally wet in most of the months. Carrying gum boots (big shoes), a rain coat or umbrella is recommendable.
Participants shall be required to bring own sleeping bag, Mat, pillow, Mosquito Net, sun/mosquito creams/repellents, working gloves and boots/shoes. Light working clothes during working hours and warm clothes at night, as it may turn out to be chilly or cold; Musical instrument {optional}; Torch or flash light; Water purifiers {optional}; Personal effects {i.e. soap, toothpaste, toiletries.
International participants are required to pay a fee of 250 Euros. The fee covers pick up from the airport or bus station upon arrival in Uganda, Orientation at the UPA guesthouse, local transport to and from the work camp, food and accommodation during the work camp. The fee also contributes to the running of activities taking place during the work camp and communication prior to the camp. Accommodation is basic. In most cases work campers will be sleeping in community halls or schools. Work campers should bring mosquito nets and bedding. Local food is prepared by the work campers on charcoal stoves or open fire. For more information about the specific camps and activities UPA provides an info sheet on request.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »