Medium term options in different locations - teaching and working with children, environmental protection, counselling (AIDS, war victims, agriculture etc). Volunteers can stay for one or more months and their programme can be designed in accordance with their skills and wishes.
Projects are mostly in the south of Uganda, within easy reach of the capital, Kampala.
UVDA charges €300 for a one month stay, €450 for 2-3 months, €750 for 4-6 months. This is to pay for food and accommodation which is provided by the host project.
If you are interested in MTV work in Uganda please contact VAP secretariat for further details.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »