Education in Togo has to face many problems, due to the social and political crisis that disturbs the normal course of the academic years. To try to help to solve this problem, ASTOVOT's committee of summer workcamps proposes school workcamps to fulfil unfinished syllabus and give further lessons on chapters not well understood to assure a good start of the next school term in Primary and Secondary schools. This support is important for the students of rural areas who have less advantage compared to students in towns. Besides, the lessons solve partially the conspicuous lack of school material. Volunteers will work five hours daily mainly in the morning. They will also have social and educational activities with the children in the afternoons. Any eventual school equipment brought by the volunteers is given to the students and schools at the end of the workcamp.
After the successful realisation of workcamps on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS in the last four years, ASTOVOT continues to sensitise people in the villages with discussions, games and theatre plays on this theme. At the end of the workcamp, the volunteers and the young people of the village will put up a theatre play on stage together. Also, the volunteers will prepare young people of the village to further educate kids in the schools on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS after the camp has finished.
Work consists in teaching Primary and Secondary school students in basic subjects such as French, Maths, English, Physics, German and general knowledge. Depending on the group, volunteers will participate in activities such as guiding the children in different tasks; working with the children in different workshops (eg. modelling, drawing, playing games, telling tales and songs, dance and music, etc). Volunteers should present typical cultural aspects of their country and can participate in community activities, such as awareness raising on how to promote local development; hygiene; environment protection, etc.
After getting a training from a specialised physician, the volunteers will get involved on local approaches about social mobilisation against STD/VIH/AIDS in rural communities in Togo. They will identify local associations working in this field and young people. They'll give them training and for that young people in the local community will become peer educators. The work will consist on going from house to house to discuss with people and rehearsing a theatre play which will be presented at the end of the camp to the general public. The volunteers can provide themselves with condoms, fémidom and with posters for the campaign.
The volunteers will be housed together by the village community at the location of the workcamp.
Volunteers must be in Kpalimé at 8am the first day of the project, so please plan on arriving at least the day before if not earlier. Volunteers will be met at the airport IF the volunteer emails arrival details at least a week prior to the start of the project.
Basic French language skills are required for this project.
Hosting Fee:
120,000 FCFA, the equivalent of £170 payable upon arrival.
Education in Togo has to face many problems, due to the social and political crisis that disturbs the normal course of the academic years. To try to help to solve this problem, ASTOVOT's committee of summer workcamps proposes school workcamps to fulfil unfinished syllabus and give further lessons on chapters not well understood to assure a good start of the next school term in Primary and Secondary schools. This support is important for the students of rural areas who have less advantage compared to students in towns. Besides, the lessons solve partially the conspicuous lack of school material. Volunteers will work five hours daily mainly in the morning. They will also have social and educational activities with the children in the afternoons. Any eventual school equipment brought by the volunteers is given to the students and schools at the end of the workcamp.
After the successful realisation of workcamps on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS in the last four years, ASTOVOT continues to sensitise people in the villages with discussions, games and theatre plays on this theme. At the end of the workcamp, the volunteers and the young people of the village will put up a theatre play on stage together. Also, the volunteers will prepare young people of the village to further educate kids in the schools on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS after the camp has finished.
Work consists in teaching Primary and Secondary school students in basic subjects such as French, Maths, English, Physics, German and general knowledge. Depending on the group, volunteers will participate in activities such as guiding the children in different tasks; working with the children in different workshops (eg. modelling, drawing, playing games, telling tales and songs, dance and music, etc). Volunteers should present typical cultural aspects of their country and can participate in community activities, such as awareness raising on how to promote local development; hygiene; environment protection, etc.
After getting a training from a specialised physician, the volunteers will get involved on local approaches about social mobilisation against STD/VIH/AIDS in rural communities in Togo. They will identify local associations working in this field and young people. They'll give them training and for that young people in the local community will become peer educators. The work will consist on going from house to house to discuss with people and rehearsing a theatre play which will be presented at the end of the camp to the general public. The volunteers can provide themselves with condoms, fémidom and with posters for the campaign.
The volunteers will be housed together by the village community at the location of the workcamp.
Volunteers must be in Kpalimé at 8am the first day of the project, so please plan on arriving at least the day before if not earlier. Volunteers will be met at the airport IF the volunteer emails arrival details at least a week prior to the start of the project.
Basic French language skills are required for this project.
Hosting Fee:
120,000 FCFA, the equivalent of £170 payable upon arrival.
Education in Togo has to face many problems, due to the social and political crisis that disturbs the normal course of the academic years. To try to help to solve this problem, ASTOVOT's committee of summer workcamps proposes school workcamps to fulfil unfinished syllabus and give further lessons on chapters not well understood to assure a good start of the next school term in Primary and Secondary schools. This support is important for the students of rural areas who have less advantage compared to students in towns. Besides, the lessons solve partially the conspicuous lack of school material. Volunteers will work five hours daily mainly in the morning. They will also have social and educational activities with the children in the afternoons. Any eventual school equipment brought by the volunteers is given to the students and schools at the end of the workcamp.
After the successful realisation of workcamps on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS in the last four years, ASTOVOT continues to sensitise people in the villages with discussions, games and theatre plays on this theme. At the end of the workcamp, the volunteers and the young people of the village will put up a theatre play on stage together. Also, the volunteers will prepare young people of the village to further educate kids in the schools on the topic of STDs/HIV/AIDS after the camp has finished.
Work consists in teaching Primary and Secondary school students in basic subjects such as French, Maths, English, Physics, German and general knowledge. Depending on the group, volunteers will participate in activities such as guiding the children in different tasks; working with the children in different workshops (eg. modelling, drawing, playing games, telling tales and songs, dance and music, etc). Volunteers should present typical cultural aspects of their country and can participate in community activities, such as awareness raising on how to promote local development; hygiene; environment protection, etc.
After getting a training from a specialised physician, the volunteers will get involved on local approaches about social mobilisation against STD/VIH/AIDS in rural communities in Togo. They will identify local associations working in this field and young people. They'll give them training and for that young people in the local community will become peer educators. The work will consist on going from house to house to discuss with people and rehearsing a theatre play which will be presented at the end of the camp to the general public. The volunteers can provide themselves with condoms, fémidom and with posters for the campaign.
The volunteers will be housed together by the village community at the location of the workcamp.
Volunteers must be in Kpalimé at 8am the first day of the project, so please plan on arriving at least the day before if not earlier. Volunteers will be met at the airport IF the volunteer emails arrival details at least a week prior to the start of the project.
Basic French language skills are required for this project.
Hosting Fee:
120,000 FCFA, the equivalent of £170 payable upon arrival.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »