The School is situated 1 Km from Mutuati Market, along Mutuati-Antubetwe-Maura Road. The School is in Kabachi location, Mutuati division, Igembe North District in Eastern Province.
The School has two teachers employed by Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) and five employed by the Parents. The non-teaching staff includes, two cooks, a secretary and watchman all employed by the School
Currently the School has a population of 157 students from form one to form four; 79 boys and 78 girls
There are two permanent classrooms in use and two more of the same type under construction , 6 pit latrines and a small semi-permanent kitchen, 5 hectares of land un-fenced, water tank with storage capacity of 11, 000 litres
The School obtains water from Tuuru Water supply, a Catholic Diocese of Meru project. In addition water harvesting from rainfall supplements the overall supply.
Science laboratory, administration block, another classroom to accommodate the second form one class, perimeter fence, electricity, computer laboratory, dining hall, teachers’ houses and school bus
a) Provision of Secondary school education at low cost. The School does not charge School fees under the free Secondary School education program finance by the Government of Kenya.
b) Raising literacy levels in the community
c) Reducing crime rate and other social evils rampant among the youth who drop out of School
d) Job creation for the community members when the School expands
Nkamathi Secondary School was started as a community educational project in the year 2007. The main objective was to help children from needy families acquire Secondary school education at affordable cost. Earlier, it had been realized that bright children were leaving school after Primary School level and such youths were turning to crime, drug and alcohol abuse among other evils spurned out of frustration and loss of direction in life.
In view of these, community members held a meeting, raised money and started the School in one of the classrooms of Mkamathi Primary School. The first form one class had 29 students. In 2008, when the second class was admitted, the School re-located and occupied Nkamathi Special School unit classrooms. In September 2008, the current Principal was posted to the School by the Teachers’ Service Commission and by this time the School had enrolled 72 students. The first Board of Governors was appointed the same year. In 2009, the first two permanent classrooms were constructed with the assistance from Igembe North Constituency Development Fund and these were built on a piece of land donated by Nkamathi village community and two more classrooms are under construction in 2010.