About VAP > Membership

Volunteer Action for Peace is a membership based organisation open to all who share our aims.

Volunteer Action for Peace is a membership based organisation open to all who share our aims.

Membership means that you will receive information through a newsletter about the various VAP events that happen internationally and nationally. It also gives you the right to vote at our AGM and to participate in our activities in whatever way you can.

Most importantly, your membership helps VAP to continue its work - to work towards justice and peace. We are a small organisation and membership fees make a significant contribution towards the costs of running VAP. So even if you are not likely to be too active, you are welcome to join VAP.

The membership fee is currently £25 for waged, £10 for unwaged (e.g. students, unemployed)

To join, you have three options:

 You can do it through PayPal by clicking on the relevant button below:

 You can make a bank transfer to our account (please email us to receive our bank details).

 You can send a cheque made payable to "Volunteer Action for Peace" to:

16 Overhill Road,
East Dulwich,
SE22 0PH, UK

Please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address as our contact with members is done by e-mail.

There is no age limit preventing you joining VAP.

member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« In total I spent just under 3 weeks in Iceland. I had the best time of my life ever. And I feel my life has benefited from the change it has brought about within me and the valuable lessons I learnt. I have more awareness of life, a larger sense of adventure and heightened curiosity about the world. »

Helen C. from Kingston upon Hull

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