The work is hard, heavy physical labor, including, building wooden bridges, moving large stones with hand tools, and digging ditches with shovels. You will get muddy, we work in the rain! We will work full days, about 7 hours of labor. We will work a few days then take a day off for fun, and then work a few days and take another day off. Why are we working so hard? We are building a network of bicycle/pedestrian paths that will eventually go 90 miles across the entire state of Vermont. The path will connect small towns, their schools, and the wild natural areas in between with a safe, healthy alternative to driving in cars. These small towns are not wealthy, and cannot afford to build this path themselves (like larger cities can afford to.) So we are building it with volunteers. Many local people are already helping out on their weekends, and we look forward to meeting and working with you as well!
Accomodation & food:
Volunteers will camp in tents. Tents are provided. During the work week there is no electricity, no running water, no flushing toilets. We will get a chance to take showers just three times during the camp. No alcohol is allowed at the housing. 11 PM curfew. Food is provided, cooking is communal. We are happy to accommodate dietary needs or preferences, like vegetarian.
Location & leisure:
During recreation time we will decide as a group what folks would enjoy doing. Options include exploring State Forest - riding bikes, hiking up mountains, swimming in lakes; and also driving to attractions in nearby towns like Montpelier, capitol of Vermont.Bring music, games or other activities to share.
Montpelier, vt
BOS: General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl (Boston, United States)Vegetarian food will be available
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »