Pro International

Pro International e.V. is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation based in Marburg, Germany which was founded in 1956.

Their main aim was and still is working for peace, bringing young people from different nationalities together in order to learn about other social, cultural and political living conditions.

They organise workcamps in Germany mainly in summer and they are a partner of VAP.

In 2025 VAP has:
member of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the Volunteer International Network Exchange UK
with the support of:
Volunteer Action for Peace, member of the European «Youth in Action» Programme

Quote of the day

« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »

Helen B. from Wigan

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