The project is co-organized by VolTra and The Warehouse Teenage Club Warehouse is a registered charitable non-profit making youth centre for youngsters between the ages of 13 and 25. Workcampers will mainly work in the Warehouse, which was once the Aberdeen Police Station first established in 19th mid-century and carried out a full-scale renovation in 1995. To reflect the significant historical value of the building, the Hong Kong Government has classified Warehouse as a historical building. Workcampers will help beautify the living environment and conserve the historical building through renovation and gardening work. Aim:1.Beautify the living environment and conserve the historical building of the Warehouse Teenage Club by global and local voluntary power2.Promote the friendship, understanding and solidarity among local people and cross-national workcampers through voluntary work and cultural exchangeVoluntary work:1.Carry out site formation and weed removal work in the gardening area to facilitate organic farming for educational purpose2.Re-paint and renovate the deteriorated facilities in the historical building, like handrails of staircases and facilities in the dormitory, etc.3.Clean up and tidy up the messy and worn-out areas in the historical building
Accomodation & food:
Workcampers are accommodated in the dormitory of the Warehouse. The living environment is simple and basic. Bed, pillow and mattress will be provided. Except community visits or group shopping, workcampers are expected to stay inside the camp site during working days. The entrance of the Warehouse closes at 22:00 every day. Workcampers should return to the camp site before 22:00 during free days.
Location & leisure:
Aberdeen is located at the south shore of Hong Kong Island in Hong Kong. Population is approximately 60,000. It is famous to tourists for its floating village and the floating seafood restaurants such as the Jumbo Floating Restaurant. Many of the Tanka people, associated with the fishing industry, still live on fishing boats.
1.Workcampers are responsible for carrying out cooking and cleaning duties by turns. Budget for food will be provided and food materials will be shopped by workcampers. 2.August is the hottest and wettest period in Hong Kong. The average temperature ranges from 27(C to 32(C. The average humidity is around 80. Typhoon and thunderstorm are sometimes frequent, which may cause heavy rainfall. Workcampers are therefore advised to drink enough water to prevent heat stroke during their work, and should keep a close eye on health condition as well as avoid working outdoor under extreme weather without instruction.3.Please remember to bring mosquito repellent. Organic or natural one is recommended.4.You will need to take some stairs before getting to the camp site, so backpack may be the best choice for your luggage.5.There is only dim lighting along the walkway to the camp site at night time. Please bring your torch6.No Smoking and alcohol are allowed within the camp site area, including both indoor and outdoor space.
« I would recommend participating in a workcamp, especially with VAP, who ensured that I found a project to suit me and provided essential training for me in preparation for my trip. Being part of a workcamp really is a life-changing experience, oh, and it looks great on your CV! »